1.3.23 ~ a check in and some finds


May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Walken in a winter wonderland'


i am realllllllllllllly trying to find something out there in videoland/written word that resonates with me – that gives me a clear indication of where we are in all of this transitioning to NEW ending of prison/matrix/old instead of hearing the same ‘ole dialogue/info.  and i ain’t finding anything atm. i find new channels and scroll back to last year, the year before last, etc. and they are all saying pretty much the same thing.  this is IT.  or we are clearing trauma or we are clearing this or doing that and doesn’t that all feel like a giant psyop by now – in a way?  i keep saying i continue to clear but i am f’ing DONE with doing all of that sheot only to have it return – i want it permanently gone.  forever.  poof BEGONE!  so that is why i continue to pound away at this inner deep knowing that we only break fully free and are fully authentically TRULY healed once we are free in every way from the energies of this particular reality.  EVERYTHING is energy.  everything is frequency.  and if we can transform grains of rice with frequency we can transform the human body with the same.  but since these bodies are highly sensitive and have a myriad of complexities that rice does not, and since our consciousness has been so captured by “them” and deeply programmed w/their myriad of lies and fear cr@p, it is a process that must be done with precision – which is why it, for me, logically explains why it’s taking so long and all we can do is work with our bodies and minds and rest and hydrate and go within and clear (JUST ONCE PER ISSUE NOW) when we are guided to.

so keep coming here for the guessing game.  cause that’s all i got – both inside and outside the shower portal.  lol  lately feeling the need to remember me from way back when.  although to be honest, let’s face facts victoria:  you’ve done this before off and on for decades.  time for the EZ button.

here’s what i’m seeing.  please remember to support my work by sharing and donating what you can.





love really is the answer.  i love this.

🟢 In your brain there is a transmitter that is connected directly to God. Your programming has you set up to block the signal. You are aware this matrix is set up this way, but most are unaware how to fix things.

Every cross / negative thought interrupts the signal. Your transmitter is still very powerful. It is sending out frequencies through thoughts & emotions.

Relationship struggles are affected by negative thoughts and emotions from miles away. If you have an argument and you hold these thoughts and emotions over days, weeks, months or years, that person receives this message through their transmitter and returns it to you.

Break the cycle by transmitting love without saying a word. You’ll find that the situation will heal itself & both parties will collapse & embrace.

This is God’s message. God’s message is love. Take control of your life by assessing and correcting your thoughts and emotions. You have the power.

Start by saying I love you to you!














very good question:



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I’ve been playing a lot of MJ songs the past few days……..


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.