1.30.24 ~ Finds, etc.


Seeing with clearer eyes.  Feeling with a more expanded heart.  Releasing.  Healing.  Not yet perfected – still got sucked back into the old operating body programs – but I am seeing/shifting/aligning more.  Here’s what I’m seeing out on the stage.





so i watched this – and had this sudden intense body/inner experience – knowing – kinda blew my mind for a moment – but i got up and began walking around to move (something i have to do to get clarity when these things happen) and i said “what if this is disclosure – showing us who we really are on the outside of all of this – our consciousness and real bodies hooked into a neuralink system” – i know some of you who align w/this will have some insight which i would love to hear)……..






this screams movie scene:






i love this – i went on tik tok to see if i could find more – google as well – so far i haven’t found anything………


Laura’s View and Tarot, Too:
























i love this – their willingness to give such “classics” a listen…..







This is an interesting turn of events…………

In 2011, when Bowman served as principal at the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action, his online journal included a section titled “Recapitulate” in which he mused that the collapse of Building 7 on 9/11 came from a controlled demolition and cited the films “Loose Change” and “Zeitgeist,” the first of which claimed that the U.S. orchestrated the 9/11 attacks while the second, the Daily Beast writes, “argues that a ring of globalist bankers controls the Federal Reserve and periodically contrives national tragedies to compel the U.S. government to embark on wars and take out greater debt.”

Jamaal Bowman Issues Statement After Report Reveals His Past 9/11 Conspiracy Posts (resistthemainstream.com)


Ending with this:

What if……….even “the plan” is a game…..game inside of a game inside of a game, etc…….and all we need to do is collectively STAND and say we are not playing………



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “1.30.24 ~ Finds, etc.”

  1. Right…so–how do we exit the bad dream (the game/the matrix) remains the conundrum…and we are all out here (who are awake) trying to figure how to exit the “nightmare” created by the Controllers. And the mystery remains: Who exactly are these controllers? …This is the entire enchilada…who or what is controlling this matrix?

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