10/10 Finds and after a long time, a video made by yours truly




That’s about all we need.  Farmers.  Healers.  Return of EVERYTHING taken from us and accountability, removal and end of all practices and behaviors that take from us harm us poison us.  I have zero energetic interest or attachment to the political theatre now and atm, I don’t know where I fit in or belong.  Like I am a body with a tether attached to my back floating aimlessly simply wanting to land in the right spot. for. me.

Here’s what I’m seeing.

Husk at donere og dele.. Tak.





First time in months – maybe a year or more – that I’ve done a video.

Trump has no statement in the Oregon’s Voter Pamphlet – Robert F. Kennedy is on the ballot – YouTube


This thing’s still going up:




Because, you know, it is………..Until I can share the Q page it is……….










These Dollar Bills to Be Rejected in Stores Nationwide Starting This October


Everything he’s saying lately I have two words:  “NOT ENOUGH”


This is me and how I look at T these days:



well this was not the first time the parks have closed over the years due to storms……….comms everywhere – crumbs – when we oh so deserve the full loaf by now………..an uptick in people asking hard questions atm……..


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “10/10 Finds and after a long time, a video made by yours truly”

  1. Re DJT’s comments. I am not convinced that the Trump we see on TV screens (or any other images projected on any of our screens) is the ‘real deal.’ Yup–the timeline that THEY project seems less real by the minute. The meme you posted re Farmers is engaging and in the realm of REAL por moi. Now that Clayton Morris’s interview was podcast(yesterday) featuring the Raytheon whistleblower–we have substantial validation that climate control is REAL. And it’s a weapon(big surprise!). That alone should hopefully shock a few more fence-sitters into action. I have never viewed DJT as a demagogue, nor as “Quick-fixer” for this nation’s woes–or the rest of the world’s woes for that matter. We are in this together, and as Q was fond to repeat: WWG1WGA. That said-in an age of CGI/AI- EFX, and fantastic rubber masks, I am doubtful that the DT we are seeing is always the real DJT. And it may also be probable that the real DT is safely protected in Cheyenne Mtn. To some people this will sound like hokum–and to those ‘fence sitters’, I ask the following: Did you ever think a day would come when we’d learn that the tech exists which weaponizes weather and can cause earthquakes? So–as an aside, re:the solutions to OUR problems- will require greater cooperation with our like-minded brethren. Just as home-schooling has replaced crappy public school education for many motivated parents. Who said a transition to the New Earth was going to be an easy ticket? Love your posts as always! Blessings…

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