10.15.24 ~ Finds including a little bit of digging from a Nazi event at Madison Square Garden in 1939




Sometimes a cookie soothes the mind.  The radio is crazy now with the elexshun coming up – mailbox getting full of flyers.  My pov is that most supporting the donkey’s are still under the TDS illusion where anyone but “HIM” is the narrative, for anyone alive cannot look out how things are now and say with an honest heart and mind: “yeah – that!  I want more of THAT!”  I’ve dropped a few messages all from Robert Kennedy Jr who continues to tell us “Don’t vote for me if I am on your states ballot.  Vote for Donald Trump.”  That way it isn’t me saying it – it’s a democrat.  And a Kennedy.

So I eat cookies and watch.  When I’m not eating homemade soup and biscuits.  While I don’t like the shorter sun days, I do like that I can essentially eat soup and homemade breads for dinner’s every night for awhile.  Taters.  Carrots.  Squash.  I have a personal love affair with food which I feel is a better choice considering I could have this same semi-obsession with shopping or fake nails, which speaking of I recently painted my nails as a fun thing to do with my girl.  Normally I leave them plain – and short (piano player hands) – but decided to paint them a pretty share of blue.  A couple of days ago I read where the polishes – likely even the healthier versions – spread toxins into the bloodstream from the polish and this happens 10 minutes upon application.  Reading that was enough – I am  now back to naturally colored nails – free of toxins.

We do all we can here, right?  Here’s what I’m seeing in the land of cray.

Bitte denken Sie daran, zu spenden und zu teilen.




So tonight on the radio, I was listening to a call in show and the caller was comparing T’s upcoming rally at Madison Square Garden (10.27) to the Nazi rally at the same location in February 1939.  To the more awakened mind you see what we have here is from The Art of War – Mirror Your Enemy.


1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden – Wikipedia


Donald Trump to hold rally at MSG ahead of 2024 election: Campaign (yahoo.com)

Little is known about Trump’s Madison Square Garden appearance and how New York City officials will prepare. Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal, who represents the area around Madison Square Garden, said the decision to allow Trump at Madison Square Garden is “disastrous.”

“This is a disastrous decision by Madison Square Garden that will endanger the public safety of New Yorkers and has the potential to incite widespread violence,” Hoylman-Sigal said in a post to X. “For the good of NYC and its residents, I demand The Garden keep our city safe by canceling the Trump rally.”

What they so afraid of?

I decided to gematria MADISON SQUARE GARDEN

The Real Commander And Chief (CIC – and being CIC gives the President authority and power to declare war and give orders to the military as to where to go as well as to call them back home)

I Born To Break Curse (that was in the vibe today on X)

Save The Clock Tower (88 is around me a lot these days)

The Sleeper Has Awakened

Trumpet Sounds

We Have All New Body


This was a flyer used for the rally.  Interesting the guy is piercing the snake.  Makes you wonder what is real and how much of the counter protest was propaganda.


Then there’s this – the Bellamy Salute – which looks identical to the Nazi salute doesn’t it?

The Bellamy salute is a palm-out salute created by James B. Upham as the gesture that was to accompany the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America, whose text had been written by Francis Bellamy. It was also known as the “flag salute” during the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Also included were signs that read “Wake Up American. Smash Jewish Communism” and “Stop Jewish Domination of Christian Americans.”


I think we should all put on music, dance and eat cookies.



HTML code ends with 88……….video is 3:11 – mirror 11.3……….Another possible mirror – Trump talking about calling in the military on election day/around that time………….We’ll see.  I see, speculate, drop and move on.



Kouji recently had an interesting theory on the astral and mornings.  He said he feels like some sort of a reset happens in that space – then shared he didn’t like mornings.  I feel the same – and experience the same – no matter how much I intend (and I continue with new focus on breaking that program).  I can go to sleep feeling amazing – focused – then wake up shaking all over and have to “reset” my brain programming back to where I want it.



Break the spell(s):


An interesting find last night – Has chess got anything to do with war?

Has chess got anything to do with war? – BBC News



“you can vote two months before probably 3 months after”………..


Trump has been sharing this – which has given me pause.  I read the fine print (below).  Interesting…

Earn and Borrow Crypto | World Liberty Financial

None of Donald J. Trump, any of his family members or any director, officer or employee of the Trump Organization, DT Marks DEFI LLC or any of their respective affiliates is an officer, director, founder, or employee of World Liberty Financial or its affiliates.


Open Source………..Tesla Tech………..if we are time traveling to the NEW – then what he speaks of is already there – and in a FLASH so. are. we.  I LOVE this kind of speak.  Frequency……….


Stefan Burns: (speaking of plasma)

Multiple Bizarre Energy “Shells” are Beginning to ENCIRCLE Planet EARTH



Barry Stepp:

Most Disturbing Videos On the Internet Today! (Part 271)



This seriously is the best video I’ve seen in awhile:




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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