10.17.23 ~ It’s in the air……….Finds and Reflecting




While this has been “in the air” for years – decades – for those on this long winding Awakening journey, it is very. prevalent today.  Seeing others speak of it.  To me that tells me we are making another breakthrough in the matrix illusion and program that seeks to keep us afraid and quiet instead of brave and resolute.

I had someone on social media come after me then go on her own page – accusing me of never posting truth information – only coming around to ask for prayers.  Absolute lie.  I share my material there almost daily and recirculate the finds of others.

When I shared information about the jews – the lie that they are “the chosen” ones – I had a family member send me a message saying we (my family is jewish – at least they were religiously speaking) – ARE the chosen ones.

Two different people – throwing about their opinion in order to silence me – without having done any sort of research to see if what they were about to share with me held any weight.

I keep on sharing my truth now.  More and more.  It’s up to others what they do with it.  But I know one thing – I will not stand by silently and be criticized or wrongfully judged.  How to do that – without getting caught up in word salads and emotional warring – is key – something I am still learning to do.  Perhaps the goal is this:  to be so solid in Who I Am that I don’t need to offer a response.

That – as well – is a work in progress.  Being celebrated for my unique perspectives is something that has brought a lot of strife and grief in my experience.  And I also have come to see – after being told this for over 20 years by brain “experts” – that the mind is programmed to first hear the lies about ourselves then it is the good stuff.  And for every negative that is shared with another – at any age – pretty much needs at least 6 positives or more to switch up.

How the brain is wired here.

You think that was on purpose to keep us stuck in internal and external conflict?


Anyone else noticing today was quite edgy?

Here’s what I’m seeing.





Yes it will.  Loved seeing this.  KEEP HOLDING YOUR VISION FRIENDS!


Ya’ll know this – but it’s worth revisiting.  KEEP. THE. FAITH.  HOLD. THE. VISION.  and remember:

Pin by Sarah Gull on Memories | Goonies movie, Goonies cast, Family movies



UPDATE: Jim Jordan Loses Vote for House Speaker on the First Vote – Here are the 20 GOP Turncoats Who Voted Against Jordan in Leadership Role


RINO REVOLT!… UPDATE: Next Speaker Vote will Be Wednesday Morning After Jim Jordan Falls Short in Round One


“Washington DC is Broken” – Arizona GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko Announces Plans to Retire Amid Speaker Vote











one perspective………







Listening………..Regulating my nervous system………Vagus Nerve……..


Watch Your Free Online Event With Arielle Schwartz:<br><em>How to Cultivate Neuroplasticity & Inner Calm With Vagal Toning</em> | The Shift Network


Today’s Secret Window message…




As I was saying………..



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.