10.19.23 ~ Reflecting…………


I am deeply struggling today – struggling to keep going mentally (without losing my sheot).  Doesn’t this war experience feel like we get into a good flow and see movement then we see backlash and reversal of positive movement?  Are we really getting closer to the finish line or is there even one?  Yeah, yeah, I know – that’s what any “enemy” wants us to think.  But this is a legitimate question coming from a space deep within who is worn the full on fuch out and yet who finds a way to keep going each day.

Check this out.  Latest secret window image from US DEBT CLOCK:




First the obvious – silver coin doesn’t equate to the bills – meaning our bills aren’t metal backed.  (DUH)

Then the uncle sam speech:

So they are telling us not to remain confused and bitter and distracted and dejected while this war plays out which has CAUSED confusion and bitterness and feelings of dejection – not to mention the lies of the psyop makes us all look g.d. gullible at times given our feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels are often wrong.

They want us EMPOWERED again?

Drop the whole fuching truth EVERYWHERE so that NO outlet can spin it back into a lie.


RETURN all means to truly HEAL.

For now – telling us this – accomplishes nothing other than pouring salt on a festering, open wound – for me that is – while making every one of us who are even slightly awake to go “NO DUH that’s what ‘they’ want!”

BTW – anyone know what that green/red symbol is?  Reference to a country?  I don’t know.  At this point – as far as I’ve come – as long as I’ve been at this – I need some EZ work and spoon-feedin’.  As I began to tell anyone this past year who would think of judging me – walk in my shoes for a day then tell me that.  We’re all battling our own battles now – some more than others.  When I say I need EZ and some spoon-feedin’, I am being as truthful as I can be.

Well if anything, this experience has made me much more comfortable saying what I need and being blunt about it when necessary.

As I said online – there are two classes of people now in this movement – those who are done as one can be done and those who are still trusting the plan – allowing it to play out.

Some still scream to DO SOMETHING – in terms of getting involved locally.  The areas that are so heavily invested in the agenda – in which is my area – where I am lucky to find that needle in the haystack (a few of them).  When we need the majority to fight back instead of just an army of a few – what’s the point?  How effective is that?  We need the truth dropped everywhere in full.  We need ANY outlet that can spin the lie back around and keep the people comfortably asleep REMOVED.

Please tell me I am not alone in this thinking – especially at this point.  Drawing this out from here on out – we’re suffering more collateral loss – more harm – more trauma.

Jesus – as I said – this plan needs to have in place RESOURCES for those struggling.  When one is just working to eat – living in poverty – with or without kids – having to live with family – or living in any situation that is creating chronic stress – it f’ing wears on you – so you don’t have the time much less the energy to get involved politically.  For me, this work, this IS my “doing”.  I have Z E R O desire now to speak up locally.  I’d be a lone voice (well if a few others joined in) in a sea of opposition.  I. just. don’t. have. it. in. me. to take on that fight.

Not anymore.  I’d rather just jet off someplace new and different that is at least safer, smaller and more affordable.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP breath:::::::::::::::::::::::::

How are you all doing today?



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

6 thoughts on “10.19.23 ~ Reflecting…………”

  1. Yes…’one step forward-two steps back.’ [or so it seems]

    As Jeff Prather would say(he’s former DEA and DHS/Military Intel)–“This is what winning looks like.”
    What more can we do? …If we are at least trying to elevate conscious awareness and not self-censoring in our conversations with fellow “humans”- we are in action. The most overwhelming aspect of this particular war has to do with the level of A I/ cyber Psyop intel subterfuge. We are in a dystopian sci-fi battleground situation. We must cultivate Jedi-level mind control-armor in order to survive.
    Is there anyone out there who wants to start a Jedi Rebel mind training camp?

  2. Correction–Prather is not DHS. He is however-DEA (former) military intel agent and border patrol soldier.

  3. I think the green/red symbol is a toggle switch, currently off (red) based on the shadowing. Perhaps when the dollar supply reaches zero (anyone notice it’s counting down?) it’ll flip to green for Go!

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