10.3.24 ~ Checking in with the feeeeeeeeeeels and finds………..woo woo and otherwise……….Vibe is very strange




Has that solar blast hit us yet?

From dropping things to feeling……… um I forgot my train of thought.  You get the picture.  And I’m taking my brain supplement too.

I will say this – I think the STORM is here.  Something is going on – new- new level of intensity – and with what’s going on here in the southeast United States for sure.  It’s unreal and my heart says this has gone on too long.

I am seeing synchs like nuts in recent days from a hot wheel called HOVER STORM with the #10 on it to seeing 10’s on their own like mad – 10:10 including a text from my girl last night – combined with how I am feeling which is aligning with what I felt 6 years ago for this end of the game whatever it is……….

People are pissed the ef off – so many exhausted – commanding answers – enraged at JB and the female version.  Why I have yet to see these signs removed from yards here in town is beyond me.  We ain’t in kansas – never have been.

Remember when Truman is getting out of his bubble fake reality – he goes through a storm?  I don’t understand one bit why we are getting stormed on – unless “they” are as well at the same time although that should have been happening for years by now.  So nuthin’ makin’ sense to me.

For now – most of my focus is within – and big piece is:  I want THIS.  N O W.

May be an image of mountain, nature and the Tre Cime di Lavaredo







Video: Vance Says Trump Won the 2020 Election






Wear sunglasses – you see anyone with these kind of glasses really looking at you – duck and roll then give ’em a leg sweep………



OH yeah, there’s this – didn’t last long…………A bit disappointing to me as I thought some of the theories about this being part of the plan to return us back to the law of the land were solid……….But who knows………..




Treason, right?



Very interesting timing of this one………..




888 html code on this one……….




Vibing with this:

Tarryn Inggs
Something huge is coming.
What it is, I cannot say for certain.
But many of us are sensing it.
A sort of anticipation. A low key stirring of slight anxiety. A feeling of being on the edge or cusp of an event, or series thereof.
Two nights ago in the astral, I had a sit down with a group of warriors at a roundtable.
I was told that a massive operation had been underway for a very long time.
These Beings told me that this realm had been overtaken. Compromised.
That the natural order had been reversed, and was so out of balance that the universe and higher frequency consciousness took notice.
They said that this place has been entrapped, along with the vast majority of souls within it.
They said the ones behind this incursion had created a barrier around this plane, which was very difficult to penetrate from the outside to within this place.
So they said a long ongoing effort to access this inner world was made via various powerful angelic souls agreeing to inhabit bodies by being born inside of this holographic matrix.
It was not without heavy risks, as most are mind wiped passing through the frequency barrier in order to drop into a fetus, and cannot remember who they have been and where they have come from.
A compression and fractalization of energy and spirit is required, along with the enormous shift into a much denser vibratory state.
The rules or limits within the construct are very different than what exists outside of it. Abilities normally had by many ancient souls were hard to come by in this denser reality.
But what was imposed upon me was that something is coming soon – an event or a shift in which many of these sleeper cells of Angelics would switch fully back online.
Would remember who they are and where they have been sent from.
What they are here to do. Their holy mission from beyond.
They said to pay careful attention to the EYES of everyone we encounter.
The angelic housed within the human costume when activated will be easily recognized via the EYES.
There is something about the shape of the eyes, the brows and the brow ridge that is common.
But there will also be within the active agents of the divine, a light coming from the eyes that is unmistakable. An intensity. A piercing gaze from within, emanating out. The light of source, which doesn’t just see, but sees THROUGH.
Things are going to get really intense in the days to come.
Choose your circles and company carefully, keep your head on a swivel and stay locked into your intuition and discernment.
But fret not, we are not alone. Stay rooted in your spirit and its maker, and be ready for the unexpected.
We are part of this planetary liberation, and soon we will see just how many of us are here.
Tone Mellard
Interesting synch with this one above – the song For What It’s Worth (B Springfield) – has been a song on my daughter’s mind the last few weeks – she has mentioned it a few times – last night in the car I turn on the radio and it has just started playing.  “There’s something happening here………What it is ain’t exactly clear.”  Things are indeed strange.
More finds………..
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People helping people – THIS is the way forward.  Always has been……..
So this guy, his name is Heyward.
If I could make one dude famous it’s this guy.
He works at Rocky’s Hot Chicken Shack in Arden — but Rocky’s is closed.
So instead of going to work and getting paid somewhere else or fleeing town— this dude Heyward, he comes and works in the Crisis Response International mobile kitchen every day to work for free.
It’s over 100 degrees in that kitchen above those grills and he works in there hours and hours serving the community day after day!
Nobody even asked him to! He just showed up and went to work helping everyone!
The thing is sometimes I see him 10 hours a day there just serving. He wants nothing but to serve. He doesn’t ask for supplies or food. He just helps non stop!
He was crucial to serving almost 600 people on Tuesday and nearly 1,000 more on Wednesday and I’m 100% sure he’s gonna be doing it again tomorrow.
How can you bless Heyward?
No seriously, swing by Rocky’s 11:30-3 on 10/3 with a gift or blessing for this guy and let’s bless him like crazy.
Yesterday, local South and North Carolina private pilots moved 26 tons of supplies delivering fuel, food, water, and medical supplies into rural west North Carolina where people remain stranded. The group CAN has organized tons of needed supplies at the SVH, Statesville, NC airport. Aviators making a difference!
13 planes are coming from Greenville now to bring supplies to Asheville! They will drop off, go back and load up again. How amazing is this?
Not government funded.
Just people taking care of eachother.
Thank you Greenville!!!!!
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A man being gentle with you is the most masculine thing he can do because it shows his strength in restraint. He knows he could be powerful and imposing, but he chooses to protect rather than harm, to comfort rather than control. This is not a display of weakness, but a deep understanding of what true masculinity looks like.
A man who is gentle understands that his partner is not an object to conquer, but a soul to cherish. He moves through life with an awareness that his touch, his words, and his actions carry weight. His masculinity is defined not by his ability to dominate, but by his capacity to elevate those around him.
A man who is truly masculine knows that gentleness is not passive; it is active love in motion. It is the way he listens when you speak, the care he puts into holding you close, and the thoughtfulness in his actions. His strength lies in the tenderness he offers, creating a safe haven in his presence.
A man who embodies true masculinity does not shy away from vulnerability. He knows that allowing himself to be open and honest takes courage. His gentleness creates a space where you feel seen and heard, and this openness allows trust and intimacy to grow.
A man who leads with gentleness understands that love is not about control but about support. His masculinity is not threatened by the softness he shows, but rather, it is enhanced by it. His touch reassures, his words soothe, and his presence feels like home.
A man who is gentle with his partner shows that masculinity is more than physical strength; it is emotional intelligence. He recognizes that a true partnership thrives on respect, and that gentleness is an essential part of building a lasting connection. He leads with compassion, knowing it strengthens the bond between you.
A man who embraces gentleness demonstrates that he has nothing to prove, because he is secure in himself. His masculinity is not defined by societal expectations or the need to assert dominance, but by his ability to create peace and harmony in his relationship.
A man who practices gentleness knows that life is not a battle to win, but a journey to share with those he loves. He values your feelings, honors your boundaries, and shows up consistently with care and thoughtfulness. His gentleness is his way of saying, “You matter to me.”
A man who is gentle in his approach to love understands that patience and kindness are the foundation of a strong relationship. His masculinity is not diminished by softness; instead, it allows him to nurture the relationship, helping it grow deeper and more meaningful with time.
A man who offers his gentleness is a man who values your trust. He knows that being gentle does not make him less of a man, but more of one. His masculinity shines in his ability to be protective without being possessive, strong without being harsh, and loving without condition.
– Abhikesh
Love and Light,

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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