100,000 California teens have preregistered to vote


Editor’s note:  This has “deep state” written all over it.  Let’s instead teach our kids how to truly think for themselves and say “I DO NOT CONSENT” – to ANYTHING that promotes a lie and takes away freedom.  Also sets a highly slippery slope precedent, targeting the public school brainwashed child who, unless mom and pop are independently awake and aware of the stuff behind the curtain, will fall right into the hands of the agenda of the sick and stupid.  But that’s changing now, isn’t it?


Updated 9:44 PM ET, Mon April 9, 2018

Washington (CNN)California teens are prepared to rock the vote when they turn 18.

A whopping 100,000 16- and 17-year-olds have preregistered to vote in the Golden State since a law enacted in 2016 gave young people the opportunity to sign up to vote before they are eligible, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said last week.
“The numbers keep going up,” Padilla told CNN. “These kids know that to change the political environment and policy, they need to register to vote, and they need to vote.”
Padilla’s announcement was tied to the launch of HighSchool.sos.ca.gov, a new portal on the secretary of state’s website connecting youth with civic engagement opportunities. Later this month, Padilla said, he will kick off California High School Voter Education Weeks, where he will hold rallies and speak to thousands of students about the importance of voter registration and preregistration.
“A couple of years ago, it took a lot of work to convince young people why it’s important to register to vote and to vote,” Padilla said. “It’s not that hard of a case to make anymore.”
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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.