11.1.24 ~ Checking in………..reflecting………….Finds that may end up just being music






Putting things together after seeing and engaging and hearing from others………

We seem to be on our own timeline – our own experience – viewing all that is happening from our perspective.  Even though I own that I voted – I don’t see the point in it – and at the time I did I felt nothing.  My brain tried to convince myself otherwise – saying this is a vote to say NO to evil.  But ANY system of government is just power over and control – cleaned up version or not – it’s still all b.s. that doesn’t align with me.

Manifesting seems to be hit or miss with many of us struggling a lot atm. I have either have power or not – which means I have the ability to control my weather around here – we were supposed to ahve had sun and dry starting yesterday – which I intended and gave my energetic consent to – but what do we have instead?  Pouring rain showers and 50 degrees.  “They” keep pushing the sunshine out into the future.

I seriously need some answers.  I either create my reality or I don’t.  There is no gray here.  For anytime you say you create your own reality EXCEPT or BUT….that says our ability TO create is seriously compromised here.  Oh yes – there is a way to manifest in this reality – but that information is part of the secret club.  

I’ve been scripting/intending for months and have seen only maybe just a weeeee bit of movement with personal agenda’s – my ability to manifest $$ has been in the toilet – funds down – costs up – daughter needing things that I simply can’t afford at this moment. I need glasses and some other things that insurance doesn’t cover.  I never joined their club – hence, well, there ya go.

That said – I KEEP GOING – all of us – KEEP GOING.  Keep at it.  If it takes 10 years or 10 minutes to build that house (metaphor for experience), then keep. at. it.  And support one another.  Help out.  Whenever two or more are gathered in the energy of Love – magic happens easier.  P E R I O D.

For me it’s exposure/promotion and money atm.  Share my work.  Donate whatever you can.  Simple and doable for anyone with employment and the time and heart to do so.  Please add to my energy of expanded finances, new opportunities to increase finances and new home.  My body is desperate for this – my heart cries daily now – for my girl – who is as desperately wanting to live someplace safer and small and quiet – where we can go wherever we want without having to worry about drug addicts and half naked men walking around town relieving themselves, yelling – not to mention safe places to go hike without worrying if my car will be broken into.  She is every. bit. as DONE as is her mama here.  This challenge to find affordable housing and increase my income is really pushing me to the edge.

We want that new reality?  Be AS IF we are in it.  As much as we/you/I can.  Even if “they” compromised that ability and made it hard as hell to always be IN THAT SPACE – because if enough of us were to be in that space and stay in that space – we could have changed this entire reality.

Or so I say.  Hard to play a game when you don’t remember how to play it and it was f’d over hugely by invisible parasites.

That’s all for now.




Ok – so diving in – I keep seeing the same repeating narratives – doesn’t matter what side.  And that song – proud to be an american – OMG if I have to hear that song ONE MORE SECOND I’m gonna burst a plethora of nasty sounds.  lol  Quick – new song time new song time.  Hey – I have one – heard it today – a favorite because it’s jazz and no singing.  Plus it gives me visions of dancing little birds and puppies.


Well this is new.  Boarding going up in front of a restaurant – sandbags too……down by the Washington Post and White House……….Flood/storm incoming?  Weather shows clear and warm (70’s)………Eisenhower Executive Office Building……..President staff is located there……….

A new spiked fence goes up in the White House compound before election day.



Well there ya go – I manifested this…………Possible he was showing us the authentic election results (69.420% for T)……….PLG………TTravel………someone knows what’s going on……..


Manifested this one too:




Another one – that’s 3 – 11.13 – a big date in this house the past week or so – aligns w/other things seen……….1113



cue posts for  NOv 13 (of interest):





youtube link above goes to this (future, you say?) (other link no longer works):

Future World Music – Victory Of Life









F’ery?  Who knows – as usual there are conflicting reports……..I’ve seen a car caused the explosion – then read someone say there is some park underneath that caught fire.  Who knows………


Is this simply prepping the consciousness field to prompt the mind to be open to leaving……..?


I always hesitate sharing these stories – but then now and then I do because the victims deserve to be seen……..






People reflecting on what next Tuesday brings – will the people tolerate another steal?  All saying “NO” – of course – but the real question should be ok – what does everyone DO if it’s another repeat?


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.