11.12.23 ~ Finds, etc.


Energy is cranky.  Pokey.  Trying to stay out of that – the best way for me to do that is to be alone.  Q u i e t.  See where there’s a hoarding energy – people who buy things to fill in empty spaces – there’s also that behavior where if there’s silence it needs to be filled with chatter.  As I told my daughter – conversations of the thoughtful – intentional manner – well ok that’s what I need.  I’ve had a lifetime of mindless chatter.  Repeat, etc.  SO. DONE.  Energetically too – doesn’t matter what I tell myself.  My Energy Body knows.

Had an interesting dream last night where I was riding my bike w/o a helmet – heard the “you need to put on a helmet” in my mind – but dismissed it as I knew I was protected.  70’s childhood style.  🥰🥰🥰

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please share, donate an amount of your choice, comment, like and subscribe.  Or whatever is in your heart!  🙏







Protection too with us.  Armour up.  24/7.  No joke –  no fear – just my experience at this time.  They can’t loop now but they can insert skits we once experienced.  Had it happen to me – obscure and one of those things that I only experienced once in my entire lifetime a few months ago and then again this week.  Started to get upset about it – but instead observed and reminded myself to keep using the spiritual tools.


More insight……..Beautiful description of the protection surrounding us all.  Sometimes the tribe is invisible to our eyes.









Feds Focus on Eric Adams’ Texts to Turkish Consul General in Public Corruption Probe




South Africa: White-Owned Farms No Longer Allowed to Export to EU, UK


X Reverses Permanent Ban of British Activist Tommy Robinson and Conservative Pundit Katie Hopkins


Patriotic Poles Take to Warsaw’s Streets Celebrating Independence Day – Nationalist Forces Show Strength Ahead of Struggle to Form New Government











😲😡🥹😩  would not put it past “them”…………



Fire.  In November….

Gov. Newsom Issues State of Emergency After Fire Closes Portion of LA Highway (resistthemainstream.com)




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “11.12.23 ~ Finds, etc.”

  1. Re “Invisible enemy”…known by many names: Archons. Demons. Intra-dimensional entities. Creators of duality. The maintenance of the Good vs Evil matrix. I experience the dark vibration as a gas-lighting interference with my balanced peaceful creative mind. It clogs up the Christ consciousness portal.

    But–and here’s the kicker–the Archontic interference also drives my conscious-creator mind into overdrive when I stop playing the victim!…so in essence-the Invisible Enemy acts as an agent of change when I choose not to identify with I-Me-Myself as a Victim on the treadmill of doom.

    Pax…all good stuff here…enjoyed the check ins–esp on election fraud and social security scam! Good stuff.

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