11.24.22 Finds…………..















I’ve been talking/sharing here in recent days/weeks about the unusually high number of traffic accidents.  Even locals are noticing and talking about it – lots of “WTF is going on??” comments.  I recently remembered the book Phoenix Rising – No Eyes vision of the destruction of the old world and the birth of the new (rising phoenix).  One of her markers was an increase in car, plane, bus and train accidents – in particular cars.  My thought at the time was angelic protection would be removed.  I’ve since come to another pov – the matrix program that was installed here to keep traffic accidents at an “acceptable” level is being removed.  I remember about 20 years ago telling a counselor how crazy it really is, when you think about it logically, to cram thousands of people inside of moving vehicles made out of metal and plastic onto cramped spaces called highways and biways and freeways – hurling themselves along at 70 or 80 or more MPH – many of them distracted by talking, listening to music, talking on their phones, eating, (and today being tuned out with GPS devices and other “high tech” gadgets that serve to distract – not to mention texting OMG who the EF does that??!!) while driving when they SHOULD BE DOING NOTHING BUT DRIVING – esp. at those speeds – it was/is a miracle there weren’t more accidents.  I found it very risky and honestly quite perplexing AND insane.  The counselor’s response – I kid you not:  “Well most people don’t think that way.  You should consider thinking like most people.”  lol  Yes, I laughed, said we wouldn’t be a good fit and moved on.  I then had that feeling that has waxed and waned since I was a child:  Will I EVER fit in here?  Turns out – nope.  Not meant to.







DJT Retruths:

Donald J. Trump


“Give me Freedom or give me Death”







Capricorn – Word of your union creates shockwaves.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.