11.26.24 ~ Checking in, Finds & Headlines




I want to take out a help wanted ad.


Even my girl meandered into my room today and said, “mom, do you feel unmotivated?”

Then it leaves and like this morning when I woke up I was inspired to look in a new direction.  Even though the nudge to do just that is still there, the motivation left again.

It all feels empty.  Lifeless.  Feeling as though I am untethered – bouncing and drifting around – waiting on


Wondering as well – if I’m really sitting here typing on my laptop – if it’s real – or if something else is going on.

Needing sun and long days again.  Did get sun today for a bit.  Cold.  But I stood on top of the hill and just stared into it, eyes closed.

Feeling verrrrrrrrrrrrrry cramped in my living quarters.

Overall – feeling very “walking in two timelines”.  Solitude, clarity and peace of mind are priority.

Also seeing the “look over HERE” and “NO look over HERE” really amped up now – something I ‘sensed’/higher vision saw a few years ago would be happening at the very end.  Hence, the previous.
















Alternatives to lockdowns……….




5 steps ahead….



Drone swarms………..and in a flash – here one minute waiting next moment in the New.  that’s what I’ve ‘seen’:




88 has been all around me for days……….




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.