11.5.24 ~ Election Day Finds, puzzle piecing.



F’ery abounds – as does that sketchy vibe.  And some humor.  You will see it all and more below.  Thank you for your support.  Please remember to share and leave a financial contribution for my work.  Let’s get that number back up to where it has been.  Thank you!




Talk radio here is cray – saying T’s going to shut down the media – as though that’s a bad thing?


Russia Russia Russia – same playbook.


Pennsylvania Vote by Mail Update: Democrats Only Squeak Out 2,411 Net Votes on Election Eve… Developing


ARIZONA UPDATE: Republicans Led in Early Voting by 218,311 – Republican Election Day Voting: Turn Out Is 2-1 Over Democrats


Here We Go: Harris County Clerk Issues Statement After Early Votes Shift Mysteriously Favor Democrats — Claims it Was an ‘Accident’


Election Day Chaos Hits Key Swing State County: Voting Machines Down in Apache County, Arizona


URGENT: CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA VOTERS: Stay in Line: RNC Secures Another Victory, Extends Voting Hours Until 10 PM After Voting Machines Melt Down


BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Undercover: Philadelphia City Commissioners’ Office Tells Noncitizens They Can Vote if They Are Philly Residents (VIDEO)


HUGE WIN! Biden-Harris DOJ BLOCKED From Entering Texas Polling Stations Hours After AG Ken Paxton Sues Department


Then come the gas leaks………


Then we got this………




A dedicated Patriot……..



This is interesting.  He says “stay online” – not “stay inline”………..


Here he says to Stay and Run (msg. to republican voters):




Now this is very interesting – Elon shared this last night.  I missed this part – went and gave it another look – it’s real:

My screenshots – you can’t really hear it – it’s background words – so I had to cc it:



There’s Elvis again (from last night – last rally – “Elvis” has left the building………..) – Singing Suspicious Minds –  interesting song too about being caught in a trap……….



Ok so here’s more sleuthing/feeeeeeeeeeeeels – most of this I’ve shared – but just getting more clear and convinced……..Trump has been telling us he’s leaving the stage.  He was the master of ceremonies – the great actor – calling out everyone who needed to be seen.  I still sense this makes way for John to be the new prez for those having that upcoming experience.  When Trump spoke of 4 years from now, another candidate, there may be 200 people at the rally.  My sense of that is once this split happens, those still not seeing go to the cleaned up version – and in another 4 years – there will just be a small number of people still “here” – still waking up.  Think about it – as I’ve been saying for so long – for most of us it’s taken years to wake up – and so while it is not fair or just to expect us to wait even longer than we have – those still not seeing will have that chance.  If our consciousness can be removed and placed elsewhere – done by “evil” doers – then GOOD can do the same and use it to awaken those still not seeing.  Trump goes home with us – those left behind either have no memory of him and have another person as their prez – John perhaps or perhaps even an actor version of KH who is controlled and does things right.  Remember this is about saving the MIND – the Consciousness.  Just some feeeeeeeeeels…


And then there’s this beauty – with today’s delta (7 years).  I had forgotten about this one and the “elections don’t matter after this stage”.  Remember T telling us in recent weeks we wouldn’t have to vote again?







The Final Walkout – at 12:12.  Numbers.  Songs (final countdown)……….


Israeli PM Netanyahu Fires Defence Minister Gallant, Citing Lack of Trust


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.