12.16.24 ~ Checking in…………..experiences………..finds


Last night, shortly after midnight, I was informed that fbook disabled my account.  Why, they won’t say.  I challenged it of course and in case they made the temporary to permanent, made another one.  Anyone following me under my old account you can find me here.  I spent years building that platform, which also included my Love In Action Now page.  A moment of paradox for me.  Is it Me/Universe pulling me out and away from that fray, prepping me to shift?  Or just another of many smack-in-the-face moments for me along my truth seeking and sharing journey.

In the end – will it matter?  Will I regret what I did?

Today, I don’t know.  I honestly don’t know.  I’m so beyond drained from this ongoing lack of sleep/waking up with intense frustration having to soothe myself before returning to sleep.  This after the plethora of supplement methods I take and intentions I set prior to sleep – is making me look for that matrix exit door.  Anyone else feeling a total disconnect from this place?  It is feeling SO. SURREAL.  Even my girl is having experiences so she’s tuning into this “something is going on” weirdness.  Your attempts to connect with God/Divine or whatever all of that really is going nowhere?  It all. feels. totally. completely. empty. for me.  Some friends on twitter are feeling the exact. same. – commenting how that disconnect has increased.  Which shows me further – if we really are in a simulation – and we really are getting a literal unplugging – it is going to feel exactly like this.

And it is painful. as. hell.  Not gonna lie or sugar coat – this particular point in the journey is a royal suck fest.  So I find new things to do to occupy myself.  Crafting.  Painting.  Got a harmonica.  lol

Here’s what’s on the table stage today.  But first – a favorite UP song.  Which lead to drama so I’m back in the bedroom, door locked, to create the peace I deserve.  I will say this – this is the longest-arse INTENTION setting I’ve done – many of us – years – decades in the making.  The reason why it took so long?  This particular physical space we’re in, invisible enemies/controllers and the fact that we all share the same consciousness field – so lots of g.d. interference with that vision of a new world.







THIS.   💯  Finding ways to honor myself by feeling, observing, listening, releasing and if need be, inserting new thoughts.  Sometimes a simple “We’re ok.  We’re safe.”











at this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if some cat race is involved…




This is like something out of a MOVIE! But it’s REAL! City lights now PULSING! – YouTube




Couldn’t be because all that gold was (allegedly) confiscated……….?

Vatican on the Brink of Bankruptcy Due to Dramatic Decline in Global Donations Under Pope Francis’ Leadership: Report


many comments on both of these saying the same……….


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “12.16.24 ~ Checking in…………..experiences………..finds”

  1. First-thank you for the New Radicals song. The first time I heard that song I felt: ‘this is REAL.’ So thank you N.R.! Having spent most of my life pursuing music, and other art forms…that particular song struck me as ‘off the radar’ for the Hollywood-Entertainment Biz. It seems a bit of a miracle that it even got distribution IMHO. I still love the energy of the song to this day- and its message. Am a bit sad to see that they disparaged Beck in one lyric. But maybe Beck had to sell his soul like so many. I have little sympathy for Taylor Swift, however. Re Trump. It is my feeling -and in attunement with particular intel I regard as reliable– there are two Trumps. The Trump double is deep state operative(PSYOP) and the real DJT is in Cheyenne Mtn working in accord with WH’s during the endgame. The Endgame is now blazing in all of it’s glory. Nothing is easy. It’s madness, and most of what we considered as REAL is a holographic illusion. Right down to the drones. Thank you for carrying the torch for human values.

    1. i totally agree on trump – definitely more than one and i do not feel we’ve seen the original since 2020 – and yes is in cheyenne mtn. i’ve always loved the long radicals too – one of my favorite songs with that amazing message. and like you – i was surprised it was allowed to be played as much as it was – esp. w/the lyrics about courtney love and marilyn manson, etc. calling out their fakeness.

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