12.17.24 ~ World Stage Finds……….Drones Drones Everywhere




It feeeeeeeeeeeels like humanity is trying to get as much drone coverage as they can.  It’s like someone let loose millions of hundred-dollar bills, tossing them out of planes, where it’s first come to get (and see) then throwing the finds on tik tok, youtube, etc.  And I get people want to figure it out.  I’m not playing that game.  I’m watching.  Because those “in the know” – KNOW – obviously – and I am not much for things like this which for me feels like “let’s see how much attention we can get from them”.  V no play that game.

Whatever it is, they are, at some point it will be revealed.  IN FULL.  (Allegedlyitbetterberevealed).  For now, it’s drip drip drip a little bit here and a little bit there but noooooooooooot going to let you see it all in full just yet.  🙄  As we know, George News did say “WATCH NEW JERSEY” years back on telegram.

I went in search of some in awakening community who take more of the spiritual perspective – which I still appreciate – but overall what I saw was more of the same with the “almost there” and “more purging” and “more upgrades” – and is it possible that while these approaches are helpful as we awaken – no. one. can accurately give dates or know for sure what is going on.  I still see this as one massive universal clean-up of evil controlling deceptive AI’s, beings and otherwise… and anything that put the blinders over our eyes – whether that has been through frequencies, codes, ways of living/being, toxins and poisons etc. – and as such there is technology being used that far surpasses what any of us can even consider – AND as such is using strategic planning and operations which means no dates and the end result is OUR FREEDOM.  So, no worries in terms of “am i doing it right?  am i doing enough?”  And no pressure on “I have to do THIS now”.  Just my feeeeeeeeeeeeels.

For now, here’s what I’m seeing on da big stage.  Please remember to donate whatever you can and share.  TY!  (oh and btw – my fbook account has been restored.  they said surprise surprise your account does not violate our community standards.  🙄😂 duh!)





This is so darn cute:



(1) STRANGEST THINGS CAUGHT ON VIDEO BY NASA 🛸 NASA Investigation by Stefan Burns – YouTube


End game necessities…………(ya i got one.)  🥰



As though we can trust this……….?



yeah, about that “nothing’s going to happen very quickly” part………….oh we WANT QUICK.  you’re dayem right we want QUICK.


BREAKING: Liz Cheney Referred For Criminal Investigation For Witness Tampering Related to J6 ‘Star Witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson



Very interesting info on the UHC “shooter”:

(1) Most Disturbing Videos On the Internet Today! (Part 310) – YouTube


Disney Axes Transgender Storyline From Pixar’s ‘Win or Lose’ Animated Series – Claim They Are Respecting Parents’ Wishes





I remember Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911 – he spoke to one of the members of congress who said, “you don’t really think we read these bills do you?”  My opinion since is ‘nothing passes unless read’.  If you agree, give a thumbs up.



They turn “5” in 3 days.  Feeeeeeeeeeeels 5:5………



A lot of peeps challenging him on the “there are no AI’s in congress” comment….



Are we going to say WELCOME TO AMERICA to our friends up north?  That would be kinda cool – been to 2 provinces and the people are absolutely lovely:

Canadian dollar slumps as Trudeau’s government teeters | Fortune



If this is truly legit – and carries zero risk – I think from a marketing perspective they may want to change the term “vaxxine”:





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “12.17.24 ~ World Stage Finds……….Drones Drones Everywhere”

  1. Re Drones and the narratives droning on and on and on… (ho hum). InfoWars did an exposé (episode title had “UAP”) two nights ago that I felt was comprehensive. What we seem to be witnessing in the simplest sense of the BS is not an ET invasion. Next-a nuke warhead that er–went missing in the possession of UKRAINE…yup as in: KM (Khazarian Mafia), and the Globalist psycho devils playing til the very end of game–and the WEF’rs are not happy with us awakening wonders…. We just don’t wish to remain slaves in their AI-devil worship realm. Go figure! So…let’s consider that the timing of drones amok: What’s coming right up…as in a month away? …Yup–you and I and everyone who is reasonably awake knows: The inauguration of Trump, with a new Admin (and esp consider RFK. jr, and Patel, and Gabbard)…so what’s my concern? Well–if a cabal really wanted to screw things up-the big inauguration with all the important anti-deep staters present- would comprise an ideal target in terms of erasure of the MAGA inflection. That’s the dark nazti-ness of a plausible playbook. Prayers and envisioning what WE wish to manifest is primo importante-NOW more than EVER. My wish? That the MAGA team cancels the inauguration and installs the Trump admin ahead of schedule. What else? If the new admin needs to fulfill on govt protocols with a proper inaugural spectacle–for GOD’s sake–broadcast it from within Cheyenne Mtn. Or somewhere else where dirty bombs won’t go. Meantime–is MIL Intel white hat intervention an option? Why not locate the damn dirty bomb (using Drone nuke sniffers) and ID the bomb’s location and do an Mi5 Tom Cruise intervention, or hire Jason Statham to put together an A-Team and take out the bastards and their war toys?… so that’s all I can add to the equation during end times (rather: end of timeline-times). Blessings! [InfoWars link: https://banned.video/watch?id=6760bee7a9ab9aa5c77c795a%5D

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