12.20.23 ~ The oddness bizarro zzzzzzzzzzz continues




Dear Sleep ~

You know what I need.  Bring it.

Collective experience – if you’re awake.  How odd that sounds – the irony.  If you’re awake you can’t sleep. “Those who know can’t sleep” referred to us didn’t it?  Who’d of thunk it.

The experience last night felt like something was trying to break into my higher mind/third eye.  Anyone else?  Woke up hearing a new song – about seeking beyond the waters/sea (thinking truman show).

So many things going through my mind – don’t know where to begin – so given the current state of mind I will instead share some finds.





I’m with her:


Gen Xers – a treat for you.  they look awesome and sound just as good!  course my vision isn’t what it used to be back then……..😂  i remember driving home to SHOUT – working a crappy job during the summer to save money to send to the univer$ity to get the piece of paper that says HEY I AM SOMEONE – all to appease someone else – with us – me – being last.  but i digress……….lol



Beautiful.  Truth.  Right there w/these feeeeeeeeeeeeels:





not heavy to us………..disclosure to the rest……..the invisible enemy………..”that IS REAL”…..interesting choice of words to use…….there is no space – just dimensions (here).  real space is outside of this ship (or ant farm as tucker calls it)………….







this sheot runs deep:



JUST IN: Federal Judge Blocks California Law That Bans Carrying Firearms in Nearly All Public Places – Issues Scathing Rebuke


and how did that work for them?

The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860 – They Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States


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you awake, you feel it……….







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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.