12.25.24 ~ World Stage Happenings…………Dogs, meme’s, holiday message from T
















What do we really know about this person?  Myth?  Definitely shrouded in mystery and lies…….




How did they know how to live?  😄





Speaking of magic……..








5:5 vibes too…………?  Whoever he is – he doesn’t look happy.


Sometimes, right?



From a 17 post as well:


Dec 24, 2017 12:36:04 AM EST


Media Keywords: crossing the DELAWARE in a durham boat general george washington
Media Keywords Contributor(s): justkeke8 AstuteActual45

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “12.25.24 ~ World Stage Happenings…………Dogs, meme’s, holiday message from T”

  1. Whether Jesus was a real person or not, the parables attributed to this particular teacher/avatar (and symbol) still convey wisdom–which is why I often cite the ‘money lenders in temple’ scenario. I believe that the value of the bible (as regards any ancient text) must be understood as ‘non-literal’ guideposts–with critical attention paid to the symbolism which was ‘communicated in its own time’. Specific animals, and terms such as “temple” are symbolic, and not necessarily the same as the indicated terms denote; and this is another reason we need to attune to our third eye consciousness, or telepathy. As one example: I have interpreted “temple” both as “the material/physical plane “(Earth realm) and also as the “Human body” (or:physical incarnation of soul.) Throwing the baby out with the bathwater has never unified the human species, or taught we humans wisdom and discernment–why would 2024-25 be any different? When I took an ancient history course in college many decades ago our professor was keen to instruct us on the details of the Epic of Gilgamesh. There are as many sign-posts to be found there as there are in the Bible. For my money though, I refer to the Gnostic gospels for the deeper clues to our true identities as “sovereign”souls incarnate in a realm ruled by time and space. We are being played by demonic entities (Archons), and the brainwashed minions who have sold their souls to the devil. Fauci and the Jesuit order are examples of an aberration in human consciousness. The Archontic infection, along with the Khazarian foot soldiers appear as the dark details we must consider if we are to liberate ourselves from the Matrix slave system. Blessings on the road to wisdom and self-knowledge. pax

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