12.26.24 ~ Checking In………..Feeeeeeeeeeeeeels………..Finds



Collective vibes:  Drained.  Highly impatient.  Intense anger.  Depression.  Seeing it over and over from others – I see online and whom I speak to IRL – varying levels of “awakeness”.  Tonight at the dinner table was suddenly hit with this mental drain.  I did my intentions to power up plus ate a lot (don’t know where I put it at moments like that lol) – nothing worked.  So I went with it and just let myself feeeeeeeeeeeeel/Be.

Let it go.  Let it all go.  Power comes from within.  Where it’s quiet.  That’s where the real Wisdom is.  I’d give the last of my money to have that around the clock for a week or two.  Moments of it ain’t cutting it.

Here’s what I’m seeing on the world stage.  Thank you for donating and sharing my work.




I remember him saying that.  It’s “all signed”.  6 days…….we’ll see.


I’ve thought about this one for a while over the years and feel it’s possible he was the “neo” to flip the script………Perhaps an insert into the program.   Everything here is a narrative.  Programs.  The Jesus program was pushed through many cycles (reincarnation = incarceration) – to get that loosh through religious worship (we r [ona] ship), tithing, fear and control.  The Jesus you and I know of was the last one – and due to Time Travel and this war/plan to get us out – he flipped.




And given our bodies are 3/4 water……….




The fact that LED contains 3 letters in devil……..ya….




So – more speculating on Jesus and Is ra el….The previous jesus story character had us worshipping moloch (many names – same ‘god’)………Last Jesus as I said above busted the spell and thus the program making him the “savior” and isn’t a savior someone who simply busts people out of a crappy situation – whether they are aware of it or not?



Built in 1899…..Used for just one year before being torn down in 1904.  Tesla Experimental Station


I found this 10km distance reference interesting (along with the 1917 too) – makes me wonder if his tech is being used underground – frequencies instead of detonations?

While experimenting, Tesla inadvertently faulted a power station generator, causing a power outage. In August 1917, Tesla explained what had happened in The Electrical Experimenter: “As an example of what has been done with several hundred kilowatts of high frequency energy liberated, it was found that the dynamos in a power house 6 miles (10 km) away were repeatedly burned out, due to the powerful high frequency currents set up in them, and which caused heavy sparks to jump through the windings and destroy the insulation!”[1


Messages from another world….1 2 3…

During his time at his laboratory Tesla observed unusual signals from his receiver which he concluded might be communications from another planet. He mentioned them in a letter to reporter Julian Hawthorne at the Philadelphia North American on 8 December 1899[11] and in a December 1900 letter about possible discoveries in the new century to the Red Cross Society where he referred to messages “from another world” that read “1 … 2 … 3 …”.[12][13]


Interesting corresponding 17 post:


Nov 06, 2017 5:07:57 PM EST
Nothing is random.
Everything has meaning.


I decided to do a gematria on TESLA EXPERIMENTAL STATION:

Two Hundred Twenty Two (222)

Four Hundred Forty Four (444)

The Train Has Left The Station

The Diamonds Must Be Returned

Desantis is Judas To Trump

The Day Has Come For All Evil To End


Calling out the horrors of this drug…………

‘OZEMPIC SANTA’: Elon Musk’s Weight Loss Therapy Goes Viral Online as Tech Billionaire Reveals Usage of Mounjaro Drug in Picture Post Wearing Santa Outfit

Patients Are Suing Over Alleged Side Effects of Weight-Loss Drugs | TIME

And as the drugs get more popular, the list of potential side effects is growing longer. Researchers have recently found links between GLP-1 drugs and gastroparesisintestinal blockage, inflammation of the pancreas, blood clots, and an eye disease that can lead to blindness. Research has also long raised concerns about a potential increased risk of thyroid tumors among susceptible patients.



Nevada Secretary of State’s Office Launches Investigations into Potential 2024 Election Fraud Violations Including 180 Cases of “Double Voting”






Saving the best for last…

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “12.26.24 ~ Checking In………..Feeeeeeeeeeeeeels………..Finds”

  1. The Abrahamic religions follow a particular template. John Lamb Lash writes about this in his book: “Not In His Image.” ‘Salvationism’, and a host of similar state -religious constructs, or’programs’ ostensibly obscured and buried the ancient mystery school teachings, such as the wisdom that the Gnostic ancients taught. The Essenes were the real deal in my ‘feel’ of truth. The organized church created during Roman times was a ruse. I have pondered whether there was ever a real Yeshua for a couple of decades. Was Krishna merely a myth? Was Buddha a sentient soul? Was Mohammad the progenitor of the Muslim religion. What if Noah and his ark was a starship with DNA samples of every known life-form on Earth? I think the ‘giants’ and Annunaki are keys to greater knowledge re the authentic human roots here on Earth.

      1. I did not receive a text. Then again–if you sent it to my iPhone–it’s been misbehaving lately. I also miss calls , and some texts don’t ever ping anymore. What’s weird is that Telegram alerts me all day long! Please try again.

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