So what did I miss? lol Seems a lot happened today. I was pre-occupied with some 3d happenings including finally getting the banking issue taken care of. And I am also on a new machine – atm. Trying it out – see how I like it. I do not like new gadgets – doesn’t matter if it’s a computer or camera or kitchen appliance. I resist touching them and trying them out. My Instant Pot sat on my counter for 6 months before I would even touch it. Now that makes me giggle today as I use it regularly and never tense up in fear that “it may explode”.
So… that I am alone…..let me breathe and go within and reflect. Last night was long. L O N G. Around 4:30am, I finally just got out of bed and walked out into the dark kitchen. What was that light? I wondered – looking out the window. Oh yeah – THAT again. That “full moon” shining directly above. I never had an issue w/that object until I changed my narrative as to what it is. Now – ugh – I feel it. Maybe it’s the ceremonies or the energies coming from the projection that, unlike years past, I reject – certainly do not clamor “oooh it’s a fully moon I must do my ceremony”. Stop giving it loosh – it seems to poke one awake and remind you “i’m still heeeere”.
So I dismissed it with a wave of my hand, took a double shot of CBD oil and fell asleep.
Then…..sigh….my girl woke up calling for me. I was in that very deep state of sleep and at first said something like “the ice cream’s in the freezer” or some otherwise nonsensical comment – then realized – oh that’s my girl – she sounds like she’s afraid. Oh yeah it’s the full moon and oh yeah “they” have been at it off and on for many recent nights – disrupting the sleep of every one of us in this house. … Well I ended up just staying back in her room with her – she didn’t need to tell me what was up – I sensed that energy – their energy – so I stayed in there and attempted to sleep.
After that it was difficult sleep (anyone who has slept with a child – in a twin size bed – will understand). And after everything I did today and the places visited and walked to and the conversations we had – well I am surprised I am still awake and this coherent. lol
The energy did feel like it shifted today – after feeling a pause and stagnation the last week or so. I felt “something” got rolling/moving again. The warm sunshine really helped lift up the mood. The air was cold but the sun was warm and I made sure we all were out in it as much as possible.
Other than the FED Payment System crashing earlier today, I am not sure what else happened so I am sharing tonight as I “find them”. That FED thing though was pretty big news and I heard from a few of you about it – went online for a quick check and sure enough – that news was all over the place. Transitioning out from the old swift to the new quantum? We checked with our bank – but the manager was out and the other employees were not aware. It is now – allegedly – operational once again.
Here’s what’s up/new/happening…. Love, Victoria
HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Georgia GOP Senate Passes Bill Requiring ID for Absentee Voting
BREAKING: Gamestop Stock Back in the News – WAY UP AT CLOSE – Reddit Crashes from Users’ Response
Let Them Fight: AOC Slams Biden Over Child Migrant Detention Facility
GOOD: Judge Indefinitely Bans Biden’s 100 Day Deportation Moratorium
Q+ in Controle,..
So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump. 😎

Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren’t safe or effective.🔥🔥👇
1. Dr. Nancy Banks –
2. Dr. Russell Blaylock –
3. Dr. Shiv Chopra –
4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny –
5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries –
6. Dr. Larry Palevsky –
7. Dr. Toni Bark –
8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield –
9. Dr. Meryl Nass –
10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin –
11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot –
12. Dr. Robert Rowen –
13. Dr. David Ayoub –
14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD –
15. Dr. Rashid Buttar –
16. Dr. Roby Mitchell –
17. Dr. Ken Stoller –
18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein –
Assaulted for not wearing a mask properly – by customers. Some people (if you can call them that) have lost their minds this past year. And you will notice – her mask slips down for a moment – just enough time to breathe in the (non-existent) CV. Right in his face too. So much for distancing. Her focus is on control – certainly not protecting herself from “the virus”. She and those like her are the real danger. As one who has been verbally attacked for not wearing a mask and/or not wearing one properly, my heart goes out to this Soul. Share this one everywhere:

On the cow/meat puppet that assaulted the guy for not wearing his mask. Two things…..first – like I’ve said a thousand times over, if you’re that fucking concerned about this, then why the fuck are you out in a store anyway? You can’t have it both ways you hypocritical piece of garbage. Keep your ass in your cave. Second – anyone gets in my face like that just to force their opinion on me, one touch from them and I’m straight knocking them the fuck out.
Your comments on the moon…
Absolutely align. Used to look up and enjoy its presence… not any more, it looks ominous now.
I have NOT been able to sleep when the moon is coming into fullness – probably for the last year. When it is the dark if the moon – I sleep through… 8 hours.
When the moon looms on the horizon – as it is this morning – I cannot help but think of the Truman Show and the controller sitting up there directing everything below.
I am usually in bed 9pm, sometimes a bit sooner, as I am up at 6am to see to the animals, but, I would say over the last 6 months it has been getting to 8:30 and I am beat.
I have noticed over the last year that when I pass a 5G tower, I yawn- sometimes I start to yawn, and have to look around for the tower – there is always one within sight.
I do wonder, what better way to control a population, keep them quiet, but to make them sleepy, less inclined to action, and that they have gradually been ‘tuning’ the system, and, turning up the power gradually.
Have you ever seen ‘Dark City’? The aliens that had humans hostage, testing them, putting them to sleep, while they change the city each night, to see what the reaction would be. One human suddenly develops the powers the aliens have, and brings the system down.
The final scenes always make me wonder about the flat Earth concept (I’m not convinced by that idea yet, but a huge alien ship… I could grasp that idea more easily).