2020 The Movie: D.C. through the Looking Glass


Have any of you seen this?  I hadn’t until today.


And the title – “Through the Looking Glass”.   Throwing it all in our faces – these actors.  Are they acting?  I don’t know – what I do know is many of these actors are allegedly part of the trafficking – including Depp – who we saw in recent months looking horrid – and yet he looks healthy in this.  Replacement?  I have disdain for such deception.  Evil does that.  Anyway, thought I would pass it along.   It does appear to be backed by a conservative outlet and pokes at politics and journalism.  That – I can appreciate.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “2020 The Movie: D.C. through the Looking Glass”

    1. all i can say is i am grateful for social media for it gives the masses the chance to see this sheot (the quarantine nonsense in canada). the backlash is now immediate. thank you for sharing Sister C. 🙂

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