3.15.24 ~ A Reflection and Finds


Touching those core wounds.  It’s like a balloon that has been blown up too tight; the need for release is intense.  But release it must.  Taking that pin to pop it, you hesitate because you know the noise will make you jump.  Metaphor for taking that first step into that core pain.  Will you be able to handle the intensity?  But you realize, just like once you pop that balloon, once you allow yourself to give the pain your words and attention, the pain – the fear – immediately begins to lessen.  Your body relaxes into the knowing that you aren’t going to break – that there is healing in the release – no matter how long it’s been held inside.

On the other side of that is a return to knowing you will be ok.  You’re a survivor.  You feel a shift.  It’s a bit easier to smile.  You get back up again and are able to find reason TO smile.  I am worth it.

Here’s what I’m seeing.






closing out a loop………..ending a cycle………some sort of a sealing…..that has been my sense……









GREAT NEWS: The RNC is FINALLY Hiring Conservative Activist Scott Presler to Lead Ballot Chasing Effort for 2024


A little bit of Pfizer in your cheese? Fake rennet bypassed additive approval process


Florida Officers Stop Haitian Vessel Heading for US Shores and Immediately Realize What’s Happening











some talk about clocks today…………



watch this video if you can…………eclipse (solar)………..the owl…………fox (see eye aye has been showing that image of a fox and a squirrel this week)………..truth in their entertainment……….as brother rick said to me about 7 years ago – we’re in a giant planetarium…….


moving on – still dealing w/the triggers……..sometimes it’s just the use of a word:

“soon”………..”trust the plan”………..”BOOM”……….etc. etc……….


Laura’s View and Tarot, Too………….verrrrrrrrrry interesting…..

Elon: Mars or M.A.R.S.?




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.