So – “they” were at it last night. My mate and I both had the same dream about the same two entities. There was some variation – but the overall theme was the same. In my mate’s dream they were allowed to enter our house. In my dream – they broke in. We both took them out in our own way. Wow – were we warriors at a new level. We’re usually both quite trusting in our dream states – but last night – I began to negotiate but immediately said F NO and fought back – together my mate and I. In a simulation – anything is possible. In the dream I even remember thinking “I can just get out if I want” but the desire to kick their evil parasitic arse was so powerful – I went on the attack and kept at it until they scattered away. AI – likely. Apparently my warrior self is still operational.
Here’s what I’m seeing.
BEST find of the day…….imo…….Looks like a stargate of some sort perhaps – with two gates………..
All systems go for hyper jump.
Earthquakes plural………..question is who is behind them……….pretty deep – up to 95km which could still be DUMB’s – which after Chernobyl, we know what they do under some of these “sites” once they create the disaster and no one wants to return due to radiation fall-out fear:
Sorry – it’s a .mov file so you’ll have to go to the site (or sign up) to see this trucker’s wife speak of what they saw in Southern FL………Last night I reflected on the clean up here in the states as some are saying what’s happening in Ukraine will happen here – prepare for full on war, etc. My sense on that is “no”. OPS are going on currently while all focus is over there. Look here so you don’t look there. We’ll see……….
From Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on TG~
GITMO prisoners — no doubt.
Chances are, very “high-level” GITMO prisoners 😏
Here’s something kinda fun ~ Spring Equinox is at 11:33am EDT……….I decided to see what 17 post 1133 says:
The full moon this month is called WORM MOON (gematria):
Over and Out
Eleven Eleven
Uh, speaking of 11:33 (i just saw this one below):
Revelation 13 (The Beast out of the Sea) watch the water……….
Point Of No Return
The Son of the Storm
More like $50K – still an interesting concept:
Tesla $15,000 house
WHOA ~ HuffPost too:
UFO Expert ‘Absolutely Floored’ By Revelation From Obama Library | HuffPost Latest News
The news comes amid an unprecedented series of disclosures about UFOs.
Example of “sick and stupid”:
He's talking about Hunter – 😂😂😂😂
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) March 16, 2022
Ukraine under ICC investigation. 41 countries have made the request
Neo-nazi Ukrainian journalist puts target right on his own forehead…
Earlier, a Ukrainian journalist professed his devotion for Otto Adolf Eichmann and said he would be the first to kill Russian children.
Sergey Aksenov, Head of Crimea had no time for an Eichmann groupie.
here’s that journalist:
🔴JUST IN 🚨 Russian ship carrying 8,000 tons of petroleum product turned away from US port – AP
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