Today feels just awful. Martin Geddes said it best earlier today:
“It feels a bit like this:
– Hanoi Hilton – many discrete episodes of physical torture
– Great Awakening – one continuous episode of psychological torture
I don’t want to over-egg the parallels or make it into a comparative (or worse, competitive) study. Just what we are experiencing is real torture.”
Best description yet of where we are and how this all feeeeeels now. Yes there is relief – but that feeling of being poked or bombarded by attacking energy is very real. The other night I was fighting back – protecting my space. Last night – I “let” myself be dragged into their poking skits. I did my power-up/protection/intention mantra too before going to sleep. I even do the “no dreams – it’s all an illusion – just leave if I get called in.” Why I seem to “lose that” once my eyes are closed I haven’t a clue. Other than – oh yeah Victoria remember you’re in a simulation/prison where you only have a little bit of your Original power/knowledge and the invisible enemy is real and can manipulate every damn thing here.
I can see people’s tempers are at the surface today so the experience is collective. Obviously not all are feeling this – some seem to have the magic button of being in a nice state of peace and seem to be immune to the “torture”. I wonder how many of them live alone. In the woods. With just a dog.
We watched The Adam Project last night. There are parallels and little comms – but overall? The acting overall was flat (loved the little boy though – he made the whole movie). Typical hollywood drama. And Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo just don’t have “it” anymore. Were they part of that club? I don’t know – but what I do know is I’m pretty done with Hollyweird putting the truth in our face while I look out at my reality and still. see. the. same. damn. moving. on. my. personal. screen. I cannot emphasize that one enough.
Just having the experience today of ok – seen it all – don’t wanna see no more – just want my inner desire and words to REFLECT THE OUTSIDE.
Let me know if you align with what I’m feeling. And please – don’t feel like you’re repeating or burdening me with your feeeeels. On days like today it comforts me to know I am not alone in the feeeeeeeeeeels department. I do know this: when I feel things like “this” – I know something HUGE is coming to clear it out. “Moves and countermoves”. U G H. Not being hard on myself to “raise my vibe”. I have this kind of faith these days – atm:
I have faith that I will become optimistic someday.
Anyone interested in seeing what flights are up – here you go. Very active all day today. Last night as well – until around 2/3am then it just stopped. 8200 total at the moment – 160 in the states.
Uncanny resemblance between Melania Trump & Tatiana Romanov. Equally uncanny between Barron Trump & Alexei Romanov. Are they related? 2 photos

Delta Force and other units of the Armed Forces special operations community brazenly seized a major Deep State stronghold that was home to the criminal Biden regime’s gestapo police force, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and its not-so-secret headquarters in Virginia.
The cornerstone of FEMA’s secret world sits nestled in the sprawling Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. It has served as the shadow government’s primary emergency hideaway since the 1950s. Beneath the mountain lays a sprawling labyrinth of tunnels, corridors, and chambers from where the Deep State plotted to enslave law-abiding American citizens.
Seizing control of the EBS was Delta Force’s primary objective, a high-ranking military source told RRN.
“The military now controls the mountain. The doors are impregnable. This mission was a long time in the making, and now we control the EBS. Stay tuned—a message may be coming very soon,” our source said.
While Zelenski spoke in Congress Putin gave his own speech
Russia is out of the Western financial system!
Biden White House Covid Coordinator Jeff Zients Stepping Down From His Post
Irish Prime Minister Tests Positive For Covid-19 After Interacting with Biden, Pelosi
It’s not just you , Victoria I’ve been feeling the same. If this is a movie then it needs to end & the credits need to start rolling. The skies over Southwest Mississippi are being sprayed like crazy. I feel as if I swallowed dust & have a dry hacking cough! Blessings to you & yours.
we are having the same w/the c.trails. mouth tastes like metal so doing detox/metal pulling. we’ve all had a cough as well.
They’ve been chem-trailing in KY too. My mom and I have both been waking up through the night with a painfully dry throat and hacking cough, and we can’t drink enough water to fix it. I thought it was just sinus congestion but it’s still there after using a neti pot, and my mother isn’t sick. Agreed that this movie needs to already be over and done! And unlike Marvel, I have no intentions of sticking around to watch the credits.
WOW!…I am blown away to see the post of Tatiana Romanov’s photo. A couple of months back I had a dream that I met a woman by that name in an elevator. When I awoke the name was firm in my memory–not the usual name we hear everyday(not in the US anyhow). I researched Tatiana a little bit and kept her photo on my desktop mac for reference. What on earth prompted you to post her photo and the comparison with Melania?
oh WOW! my mate is the one who found it – passed it on to me and i decided to share. perhaps it was meant for you to see. 🙂
Last 2 days, and today feeling the huge CME that was hitting us with super high energies/frequencies…causing all my ailments that I thought were healed to return to torture me, worse than ever. Many Eeks are feeling this along with ongoing symptoms: nausea, dizziness and sea sickness. Thanks for this post. We’re all in this together!
Yes, lots of spraying in our Northern California woods as well! Beautiful sunshine this morning and the hazy soup that hides the sun. No metallic tastes or other odd anomalities though.
Amazing photos of Melania/Barron and the Romanov’s. Uncanny!
Hi V, am feeling blah myself. Been so tired (could be from being somewhat dehydrated as I live in the desert) but I also don’t feel like doing much at all. My dear soul sista friend sent me this link last night and thought I’d share as I replied back “YES END THE PROGRAM!!! So yes lets’ end this program NOW!!!! Hugs xo
thank you for that! you know – if we had that power simply by saying COMPUTER END PROGRAM – we’d be outta here by now given i’ve said that hundreds of times. lol