I’m havin’ me some more questions. IF what some are saying is true – that some – perhaps many? – people around have already been “pulled” – replaced by NPC’s – then doesn’t that destroy the narrative (also being shared by those sharing the previous) that in order to survive the emit/pull – the mind has to see a certain amount of truth prior? AND if that narrative is true – what’s the point of keeping this movie/game going since the rest of us have, as the collective is saying, “SEEN ENOUGH!”
I’m also wondering – IF the narrative is true that we have an “uncompromised body” on the outside (think of the movie Avatar) – does that body stay inside the game when our bodies here have died during these reincarnation/rinse and repeat cycles? OR is it true we have heard that the body dies here and so does the one on the outside. And if THAT is true – then who inserts another uncompromised body? Is it an adult version or is it a baby that develops as the being here does?
Why do I say movie/game? Because I feel both are at play. I feel we are seeing a movie on the public stage w/the actors and obvious scripts. And we are inside of a simulation game – like nesting eggs. We’re watching a movie WHILE we’re engaged in/stuck in – a simulated game. I’ll let Sister Carolin share it – she NAILS it perfectly, imho:
“My take on it is this: We entered or were tricked into entering an elaborate computer game, and have been stuck in it ever since. After we entered as whole beings, we started to fractalize ourselves, moving away from our original frequencies, meaning each fractal self became more unaware of it’s origins.
Source/God/The original Creator has been trying to get us out of the game, ever since. Probably, for Source it’s only been a short while since we left, but for us it’s been perceptually a loooonnnggg time.
I feel that others who did not enter the game at the time this happened, have figured out how to enter without getting caught up in it, and are working to get us out by manipulating or undoing the story, so we wake up. The the part of us that didn’t get fractilized also plays a role in this. The whole game and its AI needs to be collapsed! Anyway, that’s how I perceive the “Universe”.”
Beautiful and so succinct. Thank you, Carolin!
It’s been another difficult day today all around. I reached out again in an attempt to find a friend for my child – and went to a truther site and asked that the family be free from the cv jab. Wow – did I get blowback from that. It surprised me. But thankfully there were enough people who had already spoken up on my behalf before I was able to see the responses. I ended up deleting the post and relisting it – explaining myself a bit further – while making it clear the request was about my CHILD not about someone’s feelings or politics – and if what I said didn’t align – move on.
We are a massive group of traumatized, psychologically tortured 5 year olds in adult bodies doing the best we can. Sometimes we thrive. Sometimes we totally fall apart. Jesus – some authentic, REAL conversations are so absolutely necessary and needed – now more than ever – for the energy high vibe of Truth is pushing us ALL to SEE and FEEL and ASK and COMMAND our right to experience our own creation instead of being forced to deal with what others say we have to be a part of. Just UGH on all of that!
There was something else I had wanted to share – something Vincent Kennedy (VK) shared yesterday on anonup. He spoke of experiencing a buzzing in the back of his neck – which made me think of Neo. Then he next spoke of not having had this vibe since the 2016 November election. I remember that vibe as well and have talked about it often on here. The best words to describe it was I was feeling the energy of the NEW TIMELINE (that we are still ALL WAITING VERY PATIENTLY FOR AREN’T WE???!!!). Let’s bring it ON already. Tonight at the dinner table I was jonesin’ for some music to align with – and at the time I was thinking of that timeline and screaming inside in bringing it forth – cast “them” out and set us free. I turn on the radio – it’s Journey singing “and went our Separate Ways”.
BRING. IT. ALREADY. (and anyone pushing voting/elections, 2024 and even 2023 ain’t allowed a voice on this page)
Earlier I had asked for some love but said no more hopium and not even hope. I need PROOF that I can see AND feel/experience. Got nothin’ at the time. That being said…..Here are some other things that hopefully will bust down that crappy timeline we’ve been on for long enough.
p.s. ~ heard 2 loud BOOOOMS last night again – same location/area. Mate theorized it could be the rock quarry south of town and yet – that thing has been there as long as we have and we’ve NEVER heard explosions like this before. Plus – even if it was – wouldn’t they do this during the day so they wouldn’t wake up nearby neighbors? It’s loud where we are and that place is about 5 miles from here.
Activity is pretty light tonight so far. Interesting call signs continue…including some n/a’s………The night is still young…..
The Western world is shaken – after 8 years of ignoring a genocide
CHOCOLATE (dark)………..You can make your own………..
Eat more dark chocolate!
White House Feed *Cut* After Biden Confronted on Call with Xi Jinping – The Look On Biden’s Face Speaks Volumes (Video)
The White House nonetheless released a readout of Biden’s call with Xi Jinping and they tried to look tough. President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today
I tried telling some people who were rx’d w/CV that those tests weren’t reliable………….
45,500 Rapid COVID Tests Recalled – “High Number Of False Positive Reports”
How the wars were started.
Cuteness insert:
Why now?
Stating the obvious – just said again tonight this ain’t about political parties. WE gotta stop sitting back and allowing the right to claim the left is the enemy when the enemy is EVERYWHERE.
The decision to use the hypersonic missile Kinzhal, one of Russia’s superior weapons along with hypersonic Zircon missile and the Poseidon torpedo, is a MAJOR DETERRENT SIGNAL TO NATO.
Read this thread to understand why this is C7 chess move from Putin. Besides the known transfer of troops and weapons to the neighbor countries of Russia, definitely, Putin has intel that NATO [DS] prepares something to escalate the situation in Ukraine. The Kinzhal missile is a huge warning to NATO.
2000 km range, Mach 10 speed, flies at the Stratosphere & is designed to evade air defense systems (Partiot, THAAD, AEGIS), makes it invincible threat. GAME ELEVATES ON ANOTHER LEVEL
5 pics👇

Wow! Looks likes they are throwing more and more eggs at the U.S. Government, and Nato. By now it’s litterally dripping off their faces. The fake Biden in the meantime is becoming more and more uncontrollable, hence the cut of the live feed. It’s becoming more and more obvious that his role is on the chopping block. Also, I heard they are making flags with the Queen’s face in China, i.e. the announcement of her exit is also imminent. My prediction: The crescendo of March madness is yet to come.