3.31.24 ~ Finds and Goodies – trying to put it all together


May be an image of text that says 'The Universe doesn't want you to try harder. It wants you to breathe, let go, and be open to things being easier and more magical than you could ever imagine. Those who flow as Universe flows, know they need no other force Align with the cosmos. Let the magic happen. the'



I’m sensing people are waking up now.  There is an underlying anxiety that is very palpable.  I experienced it today with a special family member.  I was sharing pieces of the Leave The World Behind movie I’m watching – how the barge crashes, then the planes have issues – and how that matches what’s happening today.  They commented how scary that is then asked “how did they know that?”  I said “that makes you wonder doesn’t it?”  Little baby seeds – enough of them – helps.  I keep feeling all it takes is just one “what’s going on??” moment to get us unplugged.  It isn’t just going within and working on ourselves – it’s also seeing what’s being shown to us to help us wake up and detach our consciousness from this prison.

Here’s what I’m seeing at this last day of the year.  Depending on the calendar of course.  😜🥰🙄




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I don’t know where this came from – I’ve asked – will share if he responds.


those numbers do come and go – 11’s more recently…….and always 22……



it feels early for the holiday, tbh…….april is where the feeeeeeeeeeeels are, for me, for these events…….who knows with any religious text here……..that X was interesting………….Solar Eclipse too………….biblical event mirroring “their” original narratives back on them?



Pope MIA too……….










Oklahoma Bridge Shut Down After Being Struck by Barge (VIDEO)


SPACE RESILIENCE: Upside Down Japanese SLIM Moon Lander Survives ANOTHER Freezing Lunar Night


Peter Sweden: IT HAS BEGUN: Italy Investigating Covid Vaccine Death


Trillions of Cicadas Expected to Invade the United States in Rare Event That Last Occurred Under Thomas Jefferson




It’s all inverted here isn’t it:




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.