3/8 Finds & A Check In ~ Keep Calm and Use Your Spidey Senses



How are ya’ll feeling today?

Sleep was a challenge again last night.  I woke up frustrated after a few hours of sleep and kept hearing thoughts in my mind.  Songs too.  I went within and intuitively began dismissing everything playing in my brain.  Just another narrative.  Cut the programming.  That quieted things and I was able to return to sleep.

Those outer tools are all within and that is what I continue to “get” is the most important to do atm.  What else do I have?  Having the experience of being cut off from most everything now – that’s all I have – the one tool – My inner spidey sense.  And I continue to Intend and ENFORCE FREEDOM….A return to Organic Creation…..the “real world”…..I strongly feel:  FREEDOM or bust.  I will NOT be controlled or used or looshed anymore and ever again.

ANONUP is down – again.  The admin is not saying anything on twitter yet.  I had some good finds to share from the site – and I will do that once the site is up and running again.  But here are some other goodies in the interim.


As I continue to say – don’t get complacent with these “reopenings” when all who were involved in shutting us down are guilty of violating our Constitutional Rights – Our Basic Human rights throughout the realm.

Wyoming Governor to Lift Mask Mandate, Reopen Restaurants, Bars, Theaters, Gyms to Full Capacity on March 16

RNC Tells Trump Attorneys to Shove It – They Will Continue to Use Trump’s Name to Fundraise and Have Every Right to – Update: President Trump responded within hours

LIVESTREAM VIDEO: Michigan Attorney Matthew DePerno and Witness Mellissa Carone Speak on Election Investigations at Undisclosed Michigan Location — 6:00 PM ET


Good actors playing stupid really well…

“The Guy That Runs That Outfit Over There” – Joe Biden Forgets the Name of the Pentagon and Name of His Secretary of Defense (VIDEO)


Gab Hacked Again – Group Apparently Linked to Angry Trans Activist and DDoSecrets

Bill Gates Collaborated with China Firm BGI Genomics that Was Caught Mining Americans’ Data

Confirmed: FBI Hired Known Drug Addict Stefan Halper to Set Up and Bring Down the President of the United States and Anyone Connected to Him


“Unknown” reasons…..

President Trump Back in the ‘Big Apple’ for First Time Since 2020

Psaki Says Biden to Give His First Primetime National Address to… Commemorate the One-Year Anniversary of the Covid Shutdown (VIDEO)

BREAKING: 12 States Sue Biden For Executive Order Assigning ‘Social Cost’ To Carbon Emissions

EXCLUSIVE: Wife of Antifa Activist LEAKS Medical Records of Trump Supporter with Cancer

LinkedIn Profile Seems to Confirm Allegations Made in ItalyGate

Exclusive: More Than 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say

Death toll rises to 98 after series of blasts at Equatorial Guinea military base




Speaking of going within (Sister D passed this one along to me):


W H A T is this 3D REALITY?
* Breaking through the MA-Trix *
Dear fellow travellers…🌿🌏🦄
When you consider life and ALL that it is, you may wonder what in fact is our True reality. What is it all about and how do we understand what is the right path to take, in order to ascend above the chaos and find enlightenment.
It is indeed a BIG question that many may spend their entire lives, seeking the answer to.
Consider then for a moment, that this place we call home and many refer to as the Ma-trix or inverted reality, may indeed have many complex layers. Layers that are purposefully hidden from you, in order to achieve the ultimate agenda of ‘behind the scenes’ controllers. Of distracting you.
Suppose you were a powerful and clever Pirate with a bounty of magnificent, exquisite, priceless treasure. A treasure so great that you could rule the world for all time to come. Yet it wasn’t their Treasure and they could never really know it’s precious wealth. But others could. Wouldn’t you want to hide it, in the very last place that anyone would look for it. The ‘very’ last place that a person would expect.
Wouldn’t you also design a treasure map so wild, so full of fascinating distractions and hidden traps and false information and tricks, that people would get tripped up along the way, waylaid by the pretty, but false jewels dropped along the path like little bird crumbs – in order to keep seekers from finding the TRUE treasure. Irresistible, sparkling jewel drops that seemed irrevocably real, but were just there to take you off the True path that would lead you to this hidden Treasure. A wealth beyond conception. Beyond belief. Limitless. Far more precious than all the jewels in the Kingdom. Hidden from you.
If a supposed highly intelligent malignant entity or entities, could create such a reality as that which we currently find ourselves existing within – is it then also possible, that this same force, could create realities within realities. Multiple layers within this supposed Ma-trix reality?
It’s a question to ponder, is it not?
If a force had such an intelligence, that we as humans, with our currently limited use of exponential intelligence, could not fathom – then this could indeed be possible. Don’t you think?
So having said that, if it’s a possibility that layers of this reality could exist without our knowledge, then it’s also possible that versions of enlightenment as we know it and how people feel they experience it – could in fact be other created layers of this same inverted reality.
That those who worship God’s, Goddesses, Deities, Channel other-worldly beings, read Tarot, use Hallucinogenic substances, Channel Archangels and Galactic beings, use Tantric practices, follow Repeating Numbers, seek Chakra attuning, call in Higher Angelic beings, practice Witchcraft, use Incantations and Spells, have Reincarnation beliefs, toss Ruins and Message sticks, follow New Age beliefs, seek Past Lives, Chant words and Spells, call in Ascended Master’s, follow Spirit Guides, Pyschic messages, believe in Twin Flames, Spiritual Enlightenment and the myriad of other things people are drawn to – may in fact be layers of the same Ma-trix reality. Not separate. Not higher states of consciousness or enlightenment or separation from this existence. Is that possible?
Perhaps these have just been put in place as wonderful and clever distractions for us. Something to in fact Guide us away from what is of paramount importance. To take us off track and have you believe that you are “on track”, becoming enlightened. Ascending this limited existence. Becoming more than this reality.
If ALL these layers existed. If they were indeed just further layers of the same locked reality, in order to provide a false sense of enlightenment, of ascension, of having broken through the false reality – then what is R E A L. How does one, exit this “reality” as we know it? That’s another BIG question.
The answer is something you may have already heard before, many times. It is so simple, that you may have overlooked it or believed it to be not very important. Just another ‘thing’ to do. Or something to find quietude.
It’s Y O U. That’s it. Really. Simply You.
In order to transcend that which is shown outside of you. That which appears to you as reality. That which many feel they are locked into and others spend a great deal of time and thought, trying to break out of. You need to go WITHIN.
It’s the answer to everything.
By going within, to the part of you that holds the Universal answers to ALL that exists, to ALL that you are, to ALL that is – you break through the thought bonds that hold you to this reality.
That doesn’t mean that you do nothing else but meditate or be still. You still need to look after your Earthly vessel. You still need to connect to Nature and ground to Mother Gaia. You still need to connect. But it is where your store-house of information resides. For YOU. Everything you will ever need to know, sits there within you. Awaiting your inner-standing. Awaiting YOU. Your acknowledgment. Your presence.
It is here that you will find the nourishment your SOUL needs. It is here where you find your quietude. Your PEACE. Where you will find YOU. All the answers to your journey. To your questions. ALL reside within you. The Universe is there. The entire Universe.
So, if you are questioning your path. Go within. By seeking information from others, from external practices and rituals – you are following a path of others. By listening to ALL that is unfolding on the world stage, you are committing to your 3D version of reality. By seeking answers from those around you, you are receiving information from their beliefs and reality. Not yours. Theirs.
You can continue searching O U T there for that which you seek. Your heart seeks. Or you can turn within. And find Peace. “The space in between thought”. That is the KEY. Be Love.
You are the Creator you seek. Your Heart. Love. The GOD resides within you. The Chalice is YOU. The Holy Grail, The Sacred Oil, The Path to Enlightenment. ALL you. Do you see?
The choice is A L W A Y S yours.
Sometimes we have to go round and around in large circles, before we find ourselves spiralling back turning inwards, towards the centre once more – back home, to ourselves.
We are it. Y O U are It.
Breaking FREE can be as simple as not following the “paths and scripts – Out there”.
You are already F R E E. Sovereign. Of GOD.
It’s a journey sweet souls and sometimes we take the long windy road, because that is enticing with it’s sense of adventure, the unknown and other times we find a less travelled road. A road we take because something from inside ourselves, draws us down that path. Something calling us.
What is calling Y O U?
Much Love
Rowena Coulsby 💜

AnMarie Uber latest below (and no – 45 is not dead)….really good insight in this one…. the spells (i really feel this the past couple of weeks with this lack of sleep nonsense and agitation – i think they are doing all they can to “win” – to stop us from awakening) and the feeling she speaks of being under-water – unable to hear – i feel that tunes in with my experience of tuning within and not getting a thing – empty space – nothing tangible – except the mind chatter – which is theirs….what’s up with that?  we can’t hear Divine but we can hear their nonsense?  hmmm…..going to go within on that – HA – perhaps i will “get something”….if i do i will share….something to keep in the mind and heart – where we are – what is happening “out there” – i do feeeeel we can rise above that and at least feeeel their doings less if not have no inner experience of it……no judgment on this – just support for all who are struggling now with similar experiences…..the power of protective thoughts shared for and with one another is a good tool……

Is 45 dead, chem trls, ROTW, Q & A



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.