Editor’s note: This came included in a newsletter I receive (Sophia Love). It has such a beautiful, simple message ~ I wanted to share. As we say around here at times, “if it ain’t easy, I ain’t takin’ it.” Pretty much the same message, just put to more appropriate, eloquent words. ♥
Today I’ll include a bit of dialogue from a discussion that was held just 3 days ago. Although the subject was personal, the following information applies to us all.
I was speaking with some members of my Pleiadian “family” at the time…
Your life is now organizing itself into a 5th dimensional reality and process. This includes a relaxed day; no pressure, fear or lack.
It is all about peace, love, comfort and expansion.
When a possibility for activity shows up and brings with it anxiety, fear or overwhelm – it will not fit into the mode and mood of the life you are in the midst of creating.
We suggest finding and securing a mantra to help you to discern which decisions promote or detract from your creation of a new life, new earth, new level of awareness/vibration.
There are things, decisions you’ll be faced with that will come into conflict… Some of these things will help you on your current journey, others will not.
It is an easy discernment once you achieve some clarity regarding what it is that your ultimate goal is comprised of. It is this that you want to promote with your day to day decisions.
…the mantra could look like this – “Only choices that promote a seamless, smooth, satisfactory shift.”
With this mantra, muscle test (Kinesiology). Feel the choice. Consciously go where the love and light and joy flows. If it does, do it. If not, don’t.
Always return to your mantra. You will find your answer there.