Recently I shared on here how, allegedly, seeing the repeating 7’s indicates exit/event/end. Not a number I’ve really been seeing – until yesterday and today. Just thought I would pass that along – see if anyone else is having the same experience. It certainly isn’t the first time I’ve seen the 7’s. What it all indicates, for me, at this point – I don’t know.
Former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Dies at 82
Well that whole carbon thing doesn’t resonate with me……….and the question we need to ask: whose god/which god? The divine? Or those who made this current model……….
Or 2 years of being denied the RIGHT to play with your friends or attend activities and events without a face diaper or seeing adults in face diapers or seeing adults flip out seeing an actual bare, beautiful face……….WE HAVE ALL BEEN ROBBED – especially the children! Children cannot get back those years – they are special and fleeting and important. There are no words to express the rage I still feel at times thinking it had to be this way to wake up the very people who have attacked us, criticized us, refused to see us all over a g.d. cold/flu virus – and these same people who have visited us or invited us over WHILE SICK. I look at my child – and them – and say “forget about them – let our children have their lives back!”
I see a photo op – T pointing at Dan and Dan pointing at Melania………..She is not from here – that’s for sure. Likely T’s handler (make sure he stays in line/does his job). They work well together but there is tension there I have seen – coming from her directed towards him. And understandably so. She is brilliant and thinks with her higher mind………..T is brilliant too in his own way – but he’s, well, a male with a past affinity for beautiful women.
And a very good reason for doing so…………one of them…….
India blocks foreign funding for Mother Teresa charity – BBC News
Hindu hardliners have long accused the Catholic charity of trying to convert people to Christianity.
Never liked him…… of those “off” senses within….great actor but energy from him – ugh……….
We saw this one coming didn’t we………
I still feel this way as well……….It’s become a hot button in certain areas – people who blindly follow the plan…. they cannot handle ANY criticism or questioning of it……..kinda scary behavior……….cult-like……….Follow no one……… yourself……..and for good mental health see your own cognitive dissonance and ALWAYS ask questions when the urge arises…………the truth feels uncomfortable at first – sometimes horridly uncomfortable – but it persists until it is allowed a voice and a vision………..
Its no longer a movie. Movies end. This is a nightmare on repeat. People have been mentally beaten into submission from fear. Fear of speaking out, fear of assembling to fight back, fear of fake viruses, homelessness, etc. Those of us that are awake are being tortured into watching this. I dont see anymore how people living in fear, dying or being tortured into watching this is to save humanity. Its starting to feel like this is all a sick game in both sides. Maybe Im the only one that feels this way. Just being honest.
Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine.
Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty (for the masses?). In my opinion she was given immunity for revealing everyone involved. Can blackmail go both ways? What if the White Hats were to use it to bring down the minions?