Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
4.10.24 ~ Finds, puzzle piecing, latest on Assange, etc.
How are you all feeling/doing?
I’m still sensing this giant ball that stopped moving 2 days ago and is slooooooooooowly moving in a new direction – picking up speed. Feeeeeeeeels time is a bit slower as a result. Sleep is back and forth. Two nights ago – it was good. Last night – I was wired until almost 4am then slept in fits after that. Seeing a variety of things in my early day (it is now late day) that fit what I am sensing. It’s difficult to remain centered and quiet – to find that inner Knowing and quiet. I get that– especially when you’re dealing with any challenge or a variety of them. The only way I find peace is to move through those stories around the challenges – not that they’re not truthful for us because they are – it royally sucks here at times being in these matrix systems that are utterly contrary to Who We Are and what We desire and need…….but if I let myself get lost in them, I stay stuck and miserable. Working with my body and nervous system continues. Did some intense and helpful somatic releases the last few days. Does it feel the energies are more supportive for those of you doing the same or similar?
Here is what I’m seeing. Things on the world stage are up a new level in heat.
YRFT, LHM, etc. friends ~ ya’ll like this one:
The road has been cleared. All possible exits are now closed.
Drive it home.
— Michael Jackson the Parody (@MJayParody) April 10, 2024
Song in the air today ~ Supertramp (give a little bit):
Now's the time that we need to share So find yourself, we're on our way back home Ho going home Don't you need, don't you need to feel at home? Oh yeah, we gotta see
— Luciana Nina Leone ~ Z (aka VICTORIA irl) (@nina_leone11) April 11, 2024
— Luciana Nina Leone ~ Z (aka VICTORIA irl) (@nina_leone11) April 10, 2024
An interesting perspective……….while I feel many if not most of us have already been in some of this processing for years – decades – it does feel like it’s all cracking wide open………
Many people have arrived at the threshhold of their new journey.. no longer laboriously horizontal in nature – this new journey is effortlessly vertical in nature and its on steroids !!
The horizontal journey was about ‘waking up’ to the realisation we are not the body – rather we are consciousness itself overseeing an avatar character purposely created to navigate this incredible video game called ‘our life’.
The relentless programs/perceptions of right and wrong, should and should not, coupled with a fierce resistance to whatever was happening in any given moment, spiralled our avatar body into continual monkey mind battles we mistakenly believed to be our own !!
When in fact we were simply taking steps ever higher to ‘knowing ourself be true’.
Because we are done with this location of the game we are now ready to shift to a new location in the video game of life – this time in ‘god mode’.
This recent sublime electromagnetic eclipse was designed to assist in the shifting of our location in the game from a ‘suffering’ horizontal trajectory to a fulfilling vertical trajectory.
Those who chose to change are on it now ..
Things certainly feel different here..
I am feeling unbalanced atm with blurred vision as I adjust to the spin and frequency of the vertical..
Wonderful people places and situations will be seemlessly going on in your outerworld as your innerworld shift is reflected back to you ..
We will now bask in our new high vibe vertical playground of fulfilled desires and unified co creation whilst simultaneously assisting our avatar body that will remain on the horizontal timeline – to get to work and transmute any remaining unfelt miscreations.
The real work begins ..
This vertical trajectory allows us to look down and witness the avatar body feel into and process all the effects of trauma we embodied on the horizontal journey.
This generational trauma will now manifest as ill- ness and dis-ease in varying degrees within our avatar body.
From discomfort to death, the medical field will be discombobulated as many diagnosis will not have a known ’cause’ due to the fact this avatar quantum clean up phase is multi-dimensional and metaphysical in nature.
Our new vertical observation position will hold the space, be steadfast in knowing, supply the love and administer the comfort our avatar body will need as it works so hard to finally deeply feel and neutralise all ancestral traumas and miscreations stored cellularly and neurally within.
Knowing we are not the body will pose the questions we need to be asking ourselves moving forward ..
Knowing we are not the body will automatically flood us with a divine recognition of self.
Knowing we are not the body will trigger the hidden truth that we are in fact master alchemists transmuting fear into love for all the world to see.
The ‘great equaliser’ is this process..
The ‘the quickening’ is this process ..
The ‘creation story’ is this process ..
The ‘second coming’ is this process..
And the ‘revelation’ is indeed this very process..
We are living ‘the story’ and miracles will abound ..
The return to wholeness is our reason for being here amidst a hell of a lot of well earned fun, authentic joy, true freedom, blissful peace, individuated relationship, inspiring purpose and fulfilling creativity amidst like minded meaningful companionship.
Holy shit ..
Happy fuckin days ..
Is it worth it you ask ?
Absabluddylutely !!
We got this shift !!
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