4/14 ~ Today’s dream….reflections…..and Song of the day (which marks a ONE YEAR delta of not only the song but the Sky Event dream)


What a day.  Again.  lol  Bizarre and weird and clear and confusing and synchro’s all tied up together in one experience that had me thinking it was Tuesday all day until around 4:30pm when I was reflecting out loud about going to the bank on Wednesday.  My girl chimes in with “Mom, today IS Wednesday.”  I give her my dazed and confused look and said “No it isn’t.  It’s Tuesday.”  She pointed to the calendar.  lol  Ok then so it’s Wednesday.

Not the first time I have been off on the calendar stuff.

The song of the day should have been “dazed and confused” but it turns out the song is that awesome Grand Funk Railroad, “I’m Your Captain/Closer To Home” for that is the song I woke up hearing in my mind and it played throughout the day in my mind.  I also saw my numbers all day – 444 and 11 and 1122 and 222.  The song was playing after I woke up from another one of my weird wonderful dream experiences.

I’m in this beautiful house – big – looking out a large floor to ceiling window – sitting on a comfy couch – the view out the window was nothing but beautiful big pine trees, the sunlight finding its way through the branches, casting a light into the room.  There were children around.  I felt my girl around somewhere and my mate – in the basement.  Suddenly John Cena (wrestler from WWE) walks in dressed in his usual attire – shorts that come to his knees – tank top – calf high socks and tennis shoes.  Upon seeing him I look over my shoulder and yell ” Honey, John’s here!” and tell John my mate is in the basement.  He smiles and nods – comes over to my right side and I hear one of the kids say “he’s so sweet” – and I put out my right hand – touch his cheek – and patting it say “yes he is.  A big teddy bear.”

Then I see this huge pink balloon shaped like a rabbit.  It has an obvious weak/thin spot on it.  I get off the couch, walk over to touch it and POP – it’s gone.  John says “It’s ok.  We don’t need that anymore.”  Then I wake up – hearing “I’m Your Captain”.

Now something inside nudged me to search my site because I KNEW in the past year or two I had had this song in my “space”.  Upon searching not only did I see the song had been in my space, but I shared it HERE in a post – on April 15 2020 –  a one year “delta” – and that song synch corresponded with the most powerful Sky Event Dream I had on April 14th (the night before).

Uh, wow?  Let’s get this party started.  NOW!

Anyway…..moving on….

I feeeeel that dream I had last night was telling me a comm dropped in a recent WWE (wrestling) that included John Cena (in that particular show).  One of the comms had a group of people dressed in white rabbit costumes jumping up and down inside the ring.  Bizarre but a nudge to those of us on this awakening journey – follow the white rabbit.  Adren o c.  And so no wonder in the dream last night I “accidentally” popped it.  Yeah I doubt it was an accident as I felt relief.  I didn’t like the balloon once I saw it.

The experience out in the world has allowed me to be very clear as to who is awake and who isn’t and it’s the mask issue that has done that.  It’s clear – those who know it’s b.s. either rip it off once they exit a store, don’t wear one or keep it below their nose.  The rest keep it on as they get into their cars or wear one when walking/biking/jogging (how the H do they breathe??).  So I saw that today.  As we went to the bank a young man walked out – kept on his face diaper as he walked towards his car.  I told my girl “See that man?  He’s free and he doesn’t know it.  He’s just going to keep that thing on his beautiful face.”



I’ve also been feeling the year 2018 strongly in recent days.  I’ve also been seeing a circle and call it “time”.  The concept of time – REAL “time” – I feel is linear.  One big “line” – you can easily traverse it.  Now.  Past.  Future.  They have kept us in the looping system, hence the circle.  Just as we want to go “forward” we’re kept inside the loop.  That’s why I now feel I am at the front of the line knocking – kicking and pounding some moments – to break down that system and LET US GO.  LET US BE FREE again.  Actually it isn’t even a “let us” for that implies consent of some sort.  I am saying DO IT.  I AM GOING NOW.

But as I told Sister D today – this isn’t just about me.  It’s a collective “escape” – and apparently the deal is to wake up as many as possible so when that matrix circle breaks – it’s as gentle of an experience as it can be for all.

Apparently – for I don’t really know for sure.

Anyway – the 2018 – back at that time is when I began to really feel restless in wanting out.  It was a feeling within and I would have it now and then.

Today – it is constant.  It is always there – even when it is quiet – I still feel it.  At the time all of this info I was seeing about Home and the event/solar event – the exit.  I feel some sort of a cycle is completing itself – inside of the circle.  Only this time it is bye bye circle and bye bye rabbits and all of those toys they created and told us to either play with or watch others play with the same.


Before I share the “closer to home” lyrics, I will leave an image from one of those nasa cams.  It’s story time boys and girls.  Now we have two “planets with lights and long movable arms attached” transiting the sun.  There’s always one of these objects showing up these days.  Question is – who is running the matrix now?  Someone’s “sleepin’ on the job” (good – let’s all sneak out when they ain’t lookin’!)


This song has so much feeeeeeling Truth to it now….

Everybody, listen to me
And return me my ship
I'm your captain, I'm your captain
Though I'm feeling mighty sick

I've been lost now, days uncounted
And it's months since I've seen home
Can you hear me, can you hear me
Or am I all alone

If you return me to my home port
I will kiss you, Mother Earth
Take me back now, take me back now
To the port of my birth

Am I in my cabin dreaming
Or are you really scheming
To take my ship away from me?
You'd better think about it
I just can't live without it
So, please don't take my ship from me
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I can feel the hand of a stranger
And it's tightening around my throat
Heaven help me, heaven help me
Take this stranger from my boat

I'm your captain, I'm your captain
Though I'm feeling mighty sick
Everybody, listen to me
And return me my ship

I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home....


Thank you for visiting.  I appreciate every one of you for reading my material and supporting my work.  To support what I do, please Like, Share, Subscribe and Donate what you can.  Love and blessings.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “4/14 ~ Today’s dream….reflections…..and Song of the day (which marks a ONE YEAR delta of not only the song but the Sky Event dream)”

  1. Here in MD–this is one of the key lines in the recommended mask guidelines(notice *3); masks are indicated per the following:
    “2.indoors at any location where members of the public are generally permitted, including without limitation, Religious Facilities, Retail Establishments, Foodservice Establishments, Fitness Centers, Gaming Facilities, Indoor Recreation Establishments, and Personal Services Establishments;

    *3.outdoors and [when] unable to consistently maintain at least six feet of distance from individuals who are not members of their household;”
    In other words–for all the nose nazis who admonish we who know better–they have not taken the time to read these guidelines thoroughly. Most peeps are following the herd. Incapable of responding as a mature adult. The mental derangement, cognitive dysfunction, and hysterical psychosis must be addressed. We can no longer pretend that we will return to a more sane ‘normal’ by going along(denial and ignore) with the herd-hivemind. Shalom.

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