4.15.24 ~ Checking in/Reflecting………..And some finds………


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i am so exhausted today my friends.Β  i don’t know whether to continue to use my energies to change my experience or to just park myself in bed for now.Β  i am seeing most of us are dealing with feeling very tired consistently now.Β  does this perhaps align with what i “felt” 6 years ago – the closer we got to the end the more i would need to sleep.Β  i think so.Β  i intend it so.

btw –Β  it’s been quiet around here.Β  please if you read this leave me some sort of comment.Β  putting out the effort and energies i do here each day – i like some sort of knowing that i am being read.Β  i can be a bit neeeeeeeeeeedy sometimes.


other than that – i am just so tapped out now.Β  so. tapped. out. with all that doesn’t align.Β  untreated ptsd has hurt me more than i have been able to or perhaps allowed myself to see.Β  the eye of the tiger/lion that i am – which comes in handy of course – also has kept me too much in my brain at times – ignoring what my body is telling me.Β  talking with one of you today about it all – the show the movie the awakening – the cost of living now – how it is those at the bottom who, as always, are being impinged the most.Β  i shared how those in my circle out here are doing just fine.Β  yes, complaining a bit about the COL – but still doing quite well.Β  πŸ™„

here’s what i’m seeing today.





relating.Β  lamenting.Β  yes yes yes.Β  great song, btw – we should all pull it up on our phones and play it loudly while we shop.Β  it isn’t just food.Β  gas literally – LITERALLY – went up three cents between the time we went to gas station – realized had no wallet – returned 5 minutes later and the woman was putting up new amount on sign – said it may jump again tomorrow. $4.30 a frigging gallon.Β  as i said above – this is squeezing the poor and lower middle the most – making us have to make choices we otherwise would not want to.Β  i like his idea – get a crowbar – hijack some food trucks.Β  seriously though – what does this plan expect?Β  we just go alone and say sure price us out of the ability to live.Β  i may be penniless, underweight, weak and on the ground when this ends but YEAH TEAM WE WON.Β  πŸ™„


Excellent thread btw by my fellow anon/truther:

Chemtrailes Conspiracies Become Reality: Corporate Media Sells Geoengineering as a Solution to Climate Change




indeed – why?

WHY? Seattle Police Department Announces They Are ‘Closely Monitoring Conflict Between Israel and Iran’

because this (looks like so many cities now – including my own in some areas):




US Army Report………





the masks………….












aaaaaaaaaand it passed………..this better be the whole FISA brings down the house…….

BREAKING: RINOS WIN – AMERICANS LOSE: FISA 702 Again Passes House by Vote of 259-128 – Here are The 117 RINOs Who Voted for Warrantless Spying on Americans



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “4.15.24 ~ Checking in/Reflecting………..And some finds………”

  1. Thanks as always for updates–esp. Twitter/X files (I don’t have the time or patience to track X-Tweets, which is why I rely on your radar alerts!) Of late-I am fatigued due to daily visits to the hospital to visit with an elder parent–who is making progress, thankfully! The machines and tubes and IV bags seem so anti-human at times, and yet–some of the tech really does support life. I feel drained after about 45 minutes in the hermetically sealed environment. You’d think we might design hospitals to create some sort of warm and fuzzy love vibe, since it is now the 21st century. Thanks for posting the Gates detail. I’m not one to watch Christian TV or Podcasts as a daily routine, and yet–do feel there’s much Truth coming from some of those channels. Clay Clark was making a comment on some mainstream news show a week ago or so and was emphatically repeating: ‘we shouldn’t be listening to a pedophile for any reason’–referring to Gates of course. #2) Escaping the AI hallucinations is a daily ritual. And the PTSD (as you so accurately observe) is part of the fatigue factor we are all experiencing at present. Add the dosing of chemtrails, the 5G, the EMFs etc, and it’s a wonder human beings still exist. #3) As I see it–AI wasn’t created to serve humanity, it was created to render homo saps as obsolete.
    I watched the movie, ‘The Creator’ for the 2nd time last night, and came away feeling like it was some sort of promo for AI as an advanced form of consciousness. After reading the interview with the scripts author(who also directed the film)…I was flummoxed to learn that it was just an inspired piece of creative sci-fiction writing, without any motive to promote AI as a positive force. I dunno…maybe the screenwriter and director was infiltrated by an AI virus and his brain was hijacked. After all–as Harari loves to remind us: “God is dead-he just doesn’t know it yet.” And: “Humans are hackable animals!” As I see it, there are far too many humans with access to billions of dollars who love to play God–and they are mostly mentally deranged pedo-psychopaths. Many blessings for you and family.

  2. Yes, I’m also dragging my heals and feeling very tired! Especially in the morning.

  3. Just checking in. Can also report insanely high levels of fatigue here. Sending love to you all. πŸ’•πŸ’™πŸŽ‡πŸ™πŸ‘‹K

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