This is an interesting one – biblical perspective but so much aligns with what the many different teachers/prophets/people with whom I have shared here over the years since starting this site. The Divine Hand of God. The Cosmos. Source. Universe. The Event. Whatever name/label one wishes to put on it, it seems like every thing is all pointing to this now period. The arrows. The signs. And my god if there is any truth to what I began feeling 3 years ago that the closer we got to “IT” – the more I would need to sleep – well given I have been in bed 3x today including a nap at around 5 then again at 9:30pm and now at 11pm I am still in need of more sleep (and am still in bed) – well, not gonna share more on that other than here is the latest from Bo Polny who has some very interesting slides on the giants, the conquer, the evil behind the leaders. Give it a listen if you want. Only thing I am not aligning with is their financial version of the new world – crypto’s. I feel they need to expand their visions. The birth of a new world is not just about M O N E Y. Finances. Economics. God’s money? No. There is no such thing as “god’s” money. Not in my reality. Not my monkey. I’m aiming higher – Home. REAL freedom.
Bo Polny April 23: Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land To All Its Inhabitants!
I was thinking about Q today and the Quantum Field. Quantum Consciousness. God Consciousness. It is something we can all tune into now – more than ever. It’s a quiet little nudge I am feeling more and more now. In fact, it’s all I WANT to feel. Too much mental chatter in my reality just distracts me from it. It is truly something to feel. For me – slowly. I “get something” – then I need to contemplate quietly within to see how it will expand for me. Does this make sense? It’s just something I am noticing more. For example – The last few days I have “felt” Princess Diana and Michael Jackson in my field of perception. I see their pictures all over – popping up on social media – then Michael’s music being around me. Why am I seeing this? Is it to show me they are still with us and KNOW about that Consciousness Field at the quantum level (that is becoming more present for us) and are now tuning into it themselves in order TO share with us – hey I’m still here. ? Perhaps. It is that Quantum field in which we truly communicate for that is the expansive field of The All. The Quantum Encyclopedia that contains everything and is always open. No censorship. Doesn’t that just feel right somewhere within?
Here are some more finds.
APRIL 24, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.
The Republican Party is demanding that Governor Ducey of Arizona immediately provide large-scale security for the brave American Patriots doing the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election. Governor Ducey will be held fully responsible for the safety of those involved. State police or National Guard must be immediately sent out for protection. The Democrats do not want to have this information revealed, and they will do anything to stop it. Governor Ducey must finally act!
For my friends in Ontario:
This is such an informative, spot on truth, wonderful video of information. The mRna j a b and transmission to the non-jabbed (no one who has had it will be in my presence for no more than a moment – and as I mentioned earlier today I am now asking.) Includes a favorite of mine – Dr. Christiane Northrup – been listening to her for about 30 years. I love how she asserts how we have to take care of ourselves – even if our choices make others uncomfortable. Is this perhaps the scare event? A defining moment at this moment definitely. EVENT NOW. Good advice on how to keep yourself protected – safe – healthy. Going within and praying intending. Meditating. And practical “take action” type advice too. Evil isn’t taken out just by raising the vibe or good feelings. Â
Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P – Episode 44
Canzano: State leadership fails to see the finish line with high school running mask rule
Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 4 23 21
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Last night I dreamt I was swimming at night, fully clothed across a lake or wide river.
It was very dark.
I got the feeling I was swimming away from something, that the water was a boundary. I think there were lights on the opposite shore.
I woke before getting to the other side, feeling tired.
Water symbolizes the spirit in Tarot reading, so, when water is depicted, it infers spirit.
Waking in the feeling of something not complete, still to do, not finished… and dog tired.
As I type this (Apr 24), I still have the morning chores to do around the property, and have shopping/mail to collect. Today will be a challenge.
I will also be tuning in to the AZ recount, checking in periodically as I did yesterday.
I did take a screen grab of one chap sitting on his own outside the fence writing – he was the only person I saw sitting on his own – it looked odd.
Will do the same today.
My biggest question is, if, as the Left proposes, the election was fair and straight, WHY are they trying SO hard to stop the recount? If there was NO malfescence – surely they would welcome the chance to show that, and would bend over backards to facilitate the recount?
Everything is making me feel tired, just thinking about it all… I have to wonder if 5G is also being turned up – a sleeping population cannot complain, cannot protest, cannot do anything – but sleep…
Hi Carole
in reply to you’re question, I am in Dumbarton, a Son of The Rock.
It makes me sick to the pit of my stomach when I think about what has happened to this land that I love so much. You mention the old buildings…it’s amazing to see how many of them are disappearing, dereliction, vandalism or ultimately fire seems to be the preferred route for them to take prior to demolition. It’s the Marxist-Communist playbook to a T here in that regard, destroy our history and culture as well as everything else.
I know what you mean about the dryness, I was in Oz for a while a number of years back and I never thought I would ever miss a pissing down drizzly grey day but after spending some time in the outback i started to dream about it every night lol
We have been getting almost permanently sprayed for the last 10 years and as a result we live mostly under an artificially induced blanket….I often wonder what the hell is going on above that they need to blank it out. Also the chemical toxic aspect as well obviously which contributes to the overall demise of the population .
It is a veritable assault on your being from every angle here now, whether it’s the media, adverts, music, so called entertainment TV and all the other shite they put on. Plus the junk food and as I said social media obsession and addiction and general dumbing down and slow induced complete slavery.
Then you have the religious divide and corruption which comes from that, Sadly folk here are more concerned with getting back to the fitba and will pretty much do anything for that to happen so lambs to the slaughter really! I just see the absolute corruption as complete and now I can only wait with as much patience as I can muster for the breakthrough to come, whatever that will be.
On a positive note, the protest in London today was awesome…more and more are finally starting to stir and that can only spread.
I am absolutely shattered the last couple of days as well btw and I also wondered about the 5G being turned up….hmmmmm
Hello B
Used to sail all around the area from Inverkip (my Dads brother had half shares in a 23ft Moody, and I would help crew – cold, but fun).
Aye, we are being attacked from every possible avenue…
Physically and psychologically. Given their depopulation agenda, it’s actually surprising they didn’t just start another World War, but I guess in todays age, it’s harder to stop it turning into a nuke war – and the controllers getting the fall out too.
Funny you mention fuba, I never watched it in the UK – too much acting for my taste – but I did like rugby. So upon moving to the States I found American football more appealing – watched Joe Montana play for Kansas City.
Then, when the sports folk decided they thought they were SO important, that their political opinions were more valid than that of the fans, we just, stopped watching, cold turkey.
Have not missed it one jot.
We got so much time back.
Distraction, look here, not there, ignore reality, look at this cgi instead, this is the ‘truth’, not that… it seems the entirety of modern life is designed to distract us from our connection to truth and reality.
We have not watched cable or satelight since 2007, instead watching movies and old tv series, making our own programming, without the ads.
Recently watched Steptoe and Son, and Rab C Nesbitt… the episode in Millport – the Country and Western weekend. I have cycled the perimiter road if Millport many times.
Funny you mention fire, it has surprised me that action has not been taken to destroy the AZ ballots – a fire or bombing or the like, after all, ‘by all means necessary’ means just that, and in war, all’s fair… I do wonder if the fact that nothing has happened there, does mean patriots are in control. I hope so.
I also found it interesting that they are using UV light to check the ballot watermarks for fakes.
Watch the water… gosh, the numbers of times that phrase has been refered to, in so many different ways, Ever Given, drinking water, if by land, if by sea… now watermarks… very versatile.
I am seeing different places saying the 1st 2 weeks of May will be the watershed, as, they require 65% conversion of the population to trigger use of the ebs.
This timing coincides with the presentation of the result of the audit.
Funny, I thought they said Trump support was much higher than that already, (going by the votes they said that were actually cast), even though my personal experience is of being in the minority, as I appear to know more leftists than Trump supporters.
So, the premise being, that the AZ results will create the domino effect, converting swathes of leftists, so all that remain (that unchanged 6%) will be those requiring mental assistance.
Then the ebs will be utilized via military control, to show the truth of what has been controlling us.
This is my understanding of the plan.
The AZ recount is billed as one of those moments in history that hopefully is a turning point.
We have had so many instances of ‘hopium’, one wonders how many times they can do that, before the followers just turn away. The moral of the troops is a very important factor, not to be discounted. I am assuming the numbers have been run, and they know how often they can use that, before they lose us.
I am with you and Victoria in crypto – if the gold did not exist for paper, how could it exist for a thing that ONLY exists digitally?
One good emp, and ‘poof’ it’s all gone. Never trusted crypto. My Mum has talked about it periodically – and she is a midway – one foot in the left camp, one in the right, so still being influenced by their mind control, and thinking that putting money into crypto is a good idea… just like getting the vax… Mum likes to be part of the crowd.
Hope you get a break in the weather, all that gray can be a bit depressing… and cold.
We are seeing a prediction of some rain Monday/Tuesday this coming week – like all the things being predicted right now – we will see.
Cheers Carole…funnily enough on the weather front it has been glorious here for the last week, occasional cloud but mostly sunny and fresh, been getting stuck into my garden doing a complete re-model…I wonder…..there was a day last week when the planes flew over and I thought, ah well, that’s the week ruined now but it never materialised so maybe just maybe….Mother Earth is fighting back, high pressure n wind blew it all away, we’ll see.
I concur with everything you say about the plan and how it might unfold. I actually feel it might be sooner than that and the they are going to surprise us and the DS with the audit results by announcing it earlier and starting those domino’s falling. It’s going to be devastating regardless, bit like i heard Sidney Powell clip again today talking about the Dominion lawsuit. Once that first domino goes I feel it is going to come like a tsunami and not just the election stuff either….all of it.
On the time taken and about reaching that threshold percentage, I just feel now that it was the only way it could be to keep the collateral damage to a minimum. I also think that the numbers coincide globally also and looking at the clips from all the protests around the world and even just the ridiculous stories that are now coming out on MSM everywhere, we cant be far off that mark now. They have lost the plot everywhere….it’s coming!!
HAHAHAHA Rab C….my favourite episode is when Rab n Jamesie go to do the west highland way, nothing but a rucksack with a pallet of cans strapped to it lol… them talking about who was going to hit the rabbit over the heid with a glass bottle of Irn Bru : )then they end up in this hippy spiritual commune and things get a bit psychadelic. Brilliant. Still Game has some classics as well btw if you haven’t seen that check it out….typical scheme life through the eyes of pensioners Jack n Victor an the rest of them. Apart from that, all I watch now are old sci-fi series like star trek etc and the Alaska ones like Alaska the last frontier and life below zero…..that is the type of life I would love to have…that is freedom to me 🙂 and the occasional film. Just watched Inception again last night for about the 20th time lol…..if you haven’t seen it I thoroughly recommend. In fact any Christopher Nolan film seems to have lots of truth in them.
I gave up on all sports apart from the motorbike racing, fav is the TT, real superheroes these guys, go on youtube and watch an onboard lap round the course and I dare you to not look away lol…breathtaking!
Mon The Plan! 🙂
Hi B
They announced yesterday that the audit will conclude on Thursday, and, that both parties must have a statement prepared for that day.
I also saw that the organizers of the count had filled all the observer volunteer spots (they have been advertising for volunteers for the last week or so).
With Russia taking 10 days off, that seems to be a pretty big couple of signals…
Ach, we will see… I seem to find myself saying that a lot!
It’s a funny thing the weather, my husband thinks Scotland has great weather – every time he has visited it has been beautiful, in fact, when we drove up from Lakenheath in 2004, we got to the border, and, LITERALLY where the sign says ‘Scotland’, the cloud shadow fell on the English side, and the Scottish side was ablaze in sunshine!
He thinks I am having him on, when I tell of, ‘the weekend of if summer’, and watching horizontal rain beat over the breas in July! 🤣
We have had wind, and wind… it is the weather you have to plant for here – if it does not stand wind, or you cannot protect from the wind – forget it… We have put up a poly tunnel greenhouse this year, I want to produce more of our own food.
As it has been so dry the last year, all of nature has moved off the range and into our property – or so it seems… The birds eating buds and leaves, and caterpillars eating seedlings ugh. But, tonight we are supposed to get rain (!) and lower temps, which, with the increase in humidity and the wind, will make it feel much colder.
I will be running around putting plastic on the pots, and covering the seed trays after I see to the animals.
Oh aye, I remember that Rab episode, him and Jamesie ‘in the wilds’ 🤣🤣
I love Billy Conolly’s descriptions of when he would go over to Dunoon, and the ‘hand knitted campers’…
Yes, we have an extensive sci fi dvd collection, Star Trek, Original and Next Gen, Bab 5, Farscape, Fringe (watching that right now), XFiles, Warehouse 13, Twilight Zone, and of corse, Red Dwarf… yes, like Inception, have watched it quite a few times.
I have not seen Still Game – I will look it up.
Alaska – I tell ya – we drove the AlCan in 2010, right at the end of winter, and for 3 of the 13 days, we did not see another living soul. Wild – gods – its spectacular, but, so damned remote.
In Alaska, man is not top of the food chain… 50 feet off the road, you are bear or wolf food… if you don’t want moose coming through your garden, you don’t leave food out.
I saw one of those living in Alaska episodes before we left the lower 48, folk living in the bush, the nearest neighbor 45 miles away, and the only way in by boat – they were bringing a refrigerator in, by boat.
Apparently, one of the neighbors had broken his leg the previous year, and died because he was not able to get help… To me, living in that way, is almost as much of a rat race as the 9 – 5… If you do not get enough food or fuel in before winter – guess what – you die. So there is this constant pressure to get the stocks in during Summer – and the worry if something happens to slow or stop that process… I think I would not do well like that.
We like the motorbike racing too, Super Bike and Moto GP. We stream it. Yes, have watched the Isle of Man TT recordings, have not seen a race live – amazing riding.
I like show jumping and Cross Country eventing – but there is not as much coverage over here, Western riding is more about herding and trail riding skills – I have watched them herding the cows out the back – they still do it on the ultimate all terrain transport – the horse.
Well, this Thursday should be interesting. I was banned from Flapbook again last night, so they will just have to manage without my contribution…
It’s funny, I get banned every time there is something revving up…
Fingers crossed.
Hi V
Like you, I just cannot see anything in crypto currencies and I only see them as another manifestation from the same system……but……I do think they might be the means by which people can see that there can be a different way from the current centrally controlled fiat system AND the general Economics of the world financial system which requires permanent growth on a year on year basis.
Maybe it is just another one of the ‘awakening’ tools so that people can think about a way outwith the matrix??
ultimately if all comes to pass like we hope and with energy as in electricity etc being the cornerstone of our civilisation then once all the suppressed technology from Tesla and others, which will give access to unlimited free energy for all, becomes available then there will be no need for any of it. there will be no need for people to pay to exist and following what I am certain are going to be tumultuous times we an start to move forward in the way things are meant to be according to the divine/source/cosmo etc toward a future of discovery and growth in more than just shareholder dividends
Dunno….just a thought.