4.26.24 ~ Has “you know what” frozen over yet?? Speaking of…….Some good finds and EXCELLENT sleuthing w/the help of my sister friend LH – time travel, earth ship, flipping it, cool temps




Because we are sure finished with waiting and it’s also very dang cold as well – as in bbbrrr.  Late April – struggling to get out of the 40’s.  Some intense “storms” today here in the states with ample evidence they were given some zapping juice to intensify.  The energy of shaking and storms is palpable.  Anyone else?

Here’s what I’m seeing.




What stands out to me – one of the solutions is to get the people on well water onto the public system.  As someone who has been ’round the block a few times, I see: 1) more $revenue and 2) control.

Kotek hears groundwater contamination concerns in eastern Oregon | kgw.com





(VIDEO) Frustration Among News Organizations Grows as Biden Hides in Basement, Refuses to Speak to Press, Has Not Held a Single News Conference This Year – New York Times Calls Biden Out in Statement


OMG: James O’Keefe to Release “Most Important Story” of His “Entire Career” – “I Have Evidence that Exposes the CIA, and It’s On Camera”


Buckingham Palace Announces That King Charles Will Return to His Public Duties, but Rumors About His Poor Health Are Generating Major Controversy








Ok here’s where the puzzle piecing/sleuthing comes in.  My girl tells me about this.  My spouse says it’s rare but it’s always seen on the top – not the bottom (I looked that up for images and sure enough – the images i saw that green “flash” is on the top):


LH shared these movie clips.  It’s being seen on the bottom because they’ve already flipped us (this ship).  THIS is how we GET OUT.  Interesting as I had that dream that showed me looking UP through a domed ceiling, seeing that Stargate now horizontal instead of vertical as it has been for years – 3 days after the “green flash” was captured.  How many of us have felt our environment moving over the last 5-6 years?  Hands up (ME ME and ME):


then this – and notice how COLLLLLLD it is??

and these goodies:




Then we have Trump talking about how COLLLLLLD the courtroom is…..”it should be over” too……..judge would otherwise “never allow this case to be over.”  my sense is he is talking about our experience here – of evil (in that cold cold room) would otherwise not want us released….  (“shouldn’t be that complicated” – to “get the temperature up”).  Perhaps – I’m just reflecting now – even though we were told we had to cool off before the emit – what if the right time to undertake such an event – I’m wondering if the the weather conditions would need to be in a certain place – neutral i’m thinking – which we are in now overall – spring in the northern, fall in the southern.  Not too hot, not too cold.  Just a thought……….


with time travel – you want colder temps.  with the amount of power being generated, that creates massive amount of heat, so to keep that heat controlled you need massive cooling – antarctica cooling is dispersing that cold everywhere…………


“Temperature affects how electricity flows through an electrical circuit by changing the speed at which the electrons travel. This is due to an increase in resistance of the circuit that results from an increase in temperature. Likewise, resistance is decreased with decreasing temperatures.”


Ok.  Moving on………..




check out the timestamp – a number that’s been all around me lately (113):



If anyone can help this boy…………🙏💖🙏



slowing down – holding space for the devastation from earlier today here in the states:


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “4.26.24 ~ Has “you know what” frozen over yet?? Speaking of…….Some good finds and EXCELLENT sleuthing w/the help of my sister friend LH – time travel, earth ship, flipping it, cool temps”

  1. Great inspired post- updates, Victoria!…Oil-soaked black swans, green light the new paradigm and turn the Earthship right-side up! All hands on deck! Time to make error corrections and bring on the debt jubilee. Throw the wolves out of the District! The return of the Bank of-for-by the People; money designed to enhance prosperity rather than perpetuate the unsanity of homeless children. As the banks go bankrupt and are repurposed to the NESARA standard (rather than the Satan standard). CGI Princes will not exist when we unplug the AI monster. Where is that beast hiding out I wonder? …Antarctica perhaps? O’Keefe tells us that nothing will stop the release of his next video expose’–meaning: dead man switch as a backup should he disappear? Gateway Pundit is bankrupt…such timing. Last ditch attempts to censor the good sources. What a remarkable time to exist! We know this is a simulacrum (Matrix) and ‘malware’ has infected the human psyche-sphere for too long. Emancipation and REAL freedom is close at hand…full steam ahead! Realm-change is not for the meek of spirit. Courage and persistence needed NOW.

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