4/27 Finds…..


Compilation of experts on the j a b results/risks….first one is a big one – a j a b top expert comes out says end the program immediately….my understanding is that our non-specific antibodies get “over-written” by the jab’s inserts SPECIFIC antibodies…it destroys the natural immune system….red pill moment…



Third COVID Wave Will Kill Or Hospitalize 60 To 70% People Who Took Both The Vaccine Doses Says Official UK Govt Model



Marie Nutz @irishawake


Tribunals Inbound

Public [[ Televised.]] Tri-Bunals COMING.SQQN ✅





Warning: This article contains disturbing information about human dismemberment

New emails uncovered by Judicial Watch’s FOIA request detail how FDA employees worked with buyers to get ‘fresh’ aborted baby organs for experiments.
1. The FDA Paid $2,000 Per Baby
2. FDA Bought Organs of Dismembered Babies
3. ABR Sold the Skin of a 21-Week-Old Down Syndrome Baby
4. The FDA Wanted ‘Fresh’ Babies
5. The FDA Asked for Organs from Late-Term Babies
6. The FDA Bought Skulls of Second-Trimester Babies
7. Busy Abortion Clinics Produced ‘Awful Specimens’
8. FDA Requested Boy Organs to Create Humanized Mice
9. FDA, ABR Employees Called Aborted Babies ‘Amazing’
10. Taxpayers Paid for FDA Trips to ‘Humanized Mice
[ Article ]https://thefederalist.com/2021/04/26/top-10-sickening-details-about-how-federal-employees-trafficked-baby-body-parts/

Why did something nudge me to gematria “SOOO”?  I dunno.  I did.  Here is what aligns:  TIME MACHINE….THE COMEBACK KID…..DNA ORIGIN…..GITMO….MOVIE…ALL OF THEM…..ALL AT ONCE….




A VERY good read on 😇 Nikola Tesla’s Violet Ray healing technology & the criminal organizations who banned it, that Trump is fighting today.

President Trump speaking about the National Institute of Health ~”They’re suprised I know this stuff. I know it well. My uncle was a genius. I’m from that world. I love that world.” > A COMPLETELY different scientific understanding on the true nature of energy in nature & the body within, compared to what we’re being taught today in standard indoctrinated schooling controlled by [Them].











Hammer Time…?  I sure hope so as I have had this as my background image on anon up since I opened up an account:

Profile cover

Sure – to open the dome….

Nuclear sky. Sky Event
Now Wouldn’t That Be A Kick In The Head.

This is a good Monkey….

Monkey Werx US ~Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 4 27 21


Thanks to Sister Elisa for tagging me in this one…









Is Antrim County, MI Next? Forensics Firm Behind Maricopa Audit Now Involved in Michigan

Miami Private School Will Deny Employment To Those Vaccinated


A plethora of info:



Ending on some humor:

May be an image of text that says 'Stop bragging that you got the shot, what do you want us to say??- "Congratulations, glorified lab rat."'


Once upon a time there was this city called hollywood and over the span of just a few years, well, it kinda died….



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “4/27 Finds…..”

  1. “I mean, that’s just absolutely an insane comment,” Lidia said. “I mean, I don’t know how she can possibly imagine that something’s going to pass through the air from one person to the other.” HAHAHAHA…..EXACTLY!!!!!! OH, but with the fake virus this suddenly IS possible???? Such idiotic HYPOCRITES! Plus here is a link to my new shirt I just got in the mail. Says “Fuck the vax” https://wearetheshirts.com/shop/view_product/Fuck-The-Vax-S-S-?n=14800928

  2. Well, here is the latest from my Mum and friend in the UK, re the vax…

    Mum still has her rash, the one she got the day after the shot.

    She now thinks she is allergic to either/or geraniums/sunshine…

    yes, you read that right, sunshine… the thing that kills the virus.

    My friend who was hospitalized 3 days after the shot with stomach complications ‘due to the hernia’… is BACK in hospital, with the same issue.

    You know what I have been thinking about the last few days? Zombie ants. Aye, ants infected with fungal spores, that take over the ants mind, forcing it to find a suitable place for the fungus to spread its spores.

    I was thinking about a comment on Annonup, a lady saying that her father, with dementia, has become rather disgusting since the shot – spitting, wiping phlem on door handles, etc… just like the videos of people doing just those acts, we saw last year, as if they were being controlled to do these things, by a disease desperate to spread itself.

    It’s funny, mum mentioned something about travel – she has definitely not been into that for the last year, and, my friend has been posting wistful pics if his apartment in the Canaries for the last 2 weeks…

    Both seeming to suddenly desire travel.

    The ant that is controlled by the fungus, will travel up into the canopy, to find just the right leaf, latch on with its mandibles, then die, so the fungus can fruit, and shed its spores back down onto the ants below.

    I wonder.

    We were invested in cruise stock – we are out of them now – and all through the lockdowns, those stocks went up… How? Noone was cruising. We assumed the stocks were being kept ‘afloat’ – I wonder if the vehicles to spread the virus were being artificially protected, for the moment when the virus could be spread far and wide.

    Ugh. I hate seeing these kinds of connections… makes me feel like a nutcase…

    That I can believe people are that evil, and that they control so much if the world. It makes me think there is something wrong with me, that I have a warped view, but then I think of what they do to kids, just for a junkie hit… and I know that yes, this is not outside the bounds of possibility.

    I hope they hurry up with the end chapter, the ants are itching to go into the trees…

  3. Just going through your posts again – Trump saying “I love that world”… talking about his uncle and Tesla.

    Maybe its because I am watching Fringe… is he refering to an alternate reality that he loves? He seems to infer a world where the tech is already being used – imagine what the world would be like… has he has crossed over from that alternate reality to stop the evil taking over here?

    I am wondering, if Walter and William are cyphers for Tesla, and in Williams version of the reality, all the tech they imagined is in use.

    The two realities assist each other correcting shifts, catching evil that seeks to destroy both, closing beaches between them.

    We know Trump never says anything that is not true, or frivolous, his coms have meaning.

    Again, maybe I am reaching, but, maybe it is not time travel, but reality, dimensional travel…

    Well, my brain hurts now. The animals await, as does another day.

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