All day I thought it was Wednesday. Apparently it is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday. That means dance night in the garage! lol
The energy was up and down today – for me – mostly “up”. I had a moment where I suddenly felt intense anxiety bordering on panic so I stopped what I was doing – played the piano. That wasn’t enough so I went to the garage, pumped up the punching bag and released. I later enjoyed taking a can of whipping cream and competing with my girl to see how much we could put in our mouth at once.
I feel like I am walking into a very unknown future. At this point I have let go of “home” – not that I no longer feel we aren’t getting out/being liberated from evil and will see a whole new world – I just really no longer align with this pining and longing for “home”. I’m completely fine with having a new experience in a new world with my little family and others I have met here and elsewhere. So perhaps all of that really was a narrative created by “them”. I just want the truth and freedom. For now – just riding out the storm and having moments of calm and moments where I cannot tolerate hearing “soon” or “it’s happening” or “nothing can stop what’s coming” or one year delta’s and blah blah blah (was there tonight for sure). The sentiment among those of us most sensitive and, imho awake, it is long past time.
Here are some finds…
Share #1 ~ A Book recommendation written by the spouse of one of my wonderful subscribers. Check it out:
Former Pfizer VP: Why are we being lied to about COVID? There’s no good reason
Over 40 countries set to protest COVID restrictions on May 15 in second global event
There has been an extension through June 30th (there’s that date again) for this “clown show”…
‘Significant Discrepancies’ Found in the Number of Ballots Counted During the Arizona Audit
Then the illegitimate clown told americans get the j or stay masked.
Moving on…
Alberta Government’s own data shows hospital bed and ICU utilization at five-year low
Dan Scavino retweeted, “U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will restart border wall construction…”
Q drop#2582 includes, “You didn’t think the largest MIL spending bill in history (FY 2019) wasn’t going to [indirectly] include funding for the wall did you?”
Note that the drop also includes reference to the U.S Army Corps of Engineers (Red Castle).
Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page 3-Telegrams
1) The SILENT WAR is surfacing
Those buildings fully Collapsing in Gaza strip being hit from one missile are CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS!!….
Deep State operators inside both Israel and Palestine camps
have been INFILTRATED long ago (Mossad/CIA)// … Israeli handlers ( MOSSAD, >>UK MI6>>ROTHSCHILDs>>CIA>>Dominion have alot to hide… From human trafficking to Epstein creation to VATICAN banks… The Mossad/Kazarian mafia controlling Ukraine>>> the connections of corruption of Israeli Elites run deep into United States MSM [CIA] control)
No matter the awful killings and WAR 👉we must keep our eyes to ARIZONA👈
3) To be clear…. ALL Countries are fighting to rid their country of DEEP STATE CABAL..
/Good people caught inside a bad Evil CABAL controlled Government stystem/)
Prayers go out to Middle East, people caught in the battle and fridges of WAR
Lets assume the statements in both images are true. Based on my research & intuition, credible arguments can be made either way.
But for arguments sake, if the statements are all true, would this mean many in world’s jewish population don’t know they have no ancient hebrew dna and therefore aren’t semites?
Sounds like, like the Christians, the Jewish people have been defrauded & lied to all their lives too WTF! Everybody’s getting fooked by the Deep State.
go to #SavingIsrael4Last to learn about more cons.
What is YOUR definition of “shortly” which is another word for soon (see above lol)? Mine already passed but if I am to answer my own question I say tomorrow. By summer. But as I said my personal line in the sand was already drawn and I am not drawing a new one – just standing on the one I created….
Justice Will Be Served Shortly
Video From Dan Scavino “Justice Will Be Served Shortly”.
Time for our soldiers to get some balls and ta ta’s and end this sh eot:
Another “sky event”:
JUST IN – 130 rockets have been launched toward Ashkelon, Sderot, and Netivot in Israel minutes ago.@disclosetv
Anything is possible….
I have people in my life who listen to this parasite (F0w chi)…..
“In a functional country there would be a criminal investigation currently underway
into Tony Fauci’s role in the covid pandemic that has killed millions and halted our
country and changed it forever.” Tucker dropping red pills for all the normies on the
scamdemic’s origins and Fraudci.
Donald J. Trump
5:32pm May 12, 2021
(Part 1)
“A guy named Miles Taylor, who I have no idea who he is, don’t remember ever meeting him or having a conversation with, gets more publicity pretending he was in the inner circle of our Administration when he was definitely not. Some people refer to him as “absolutely nothing.” I hear he is on CNN and MSDNC all the time, but he had nothing to do with any of my decisions, and I wouldn’t even know what he looks like. He is the guy who fraudulently wrote a make-believe book and statement to the failing New York Times calling himself “Anonymous.” That’s right, he, a lowlife that I didn’t know, was Anonymous. Now he’s …”
(Part 2)
“… putting together a group of RINOs and Losers who are coming out to protest President Trump despite our creating the greatest economy ever, getting us out of endless wars, rebuilding our Great Military, reducing taxes and regulations by historic levels, creating Space Force, appointing almost 300 Judges, and much, much more! He is a phony who will probably be sued over his fake book and fake “Anonymous” editorial, which caused so much treasonous stir. Miles Taylor and his fellow RINO losers like Tom Ridge, Christine Todd Whitman, and Crazy Barbara Comstock voted for Biden, and now look what they have—a socialist regime with collapsing borders, massive tax and regulation hikes, unrest in the Middle East, and long gas lines. He is even giving us men setting new records playing women’s sports. What a disaster for our Country it has been!”
I decided to check out 17 drop 532 (time stamp of his statement)….Possibly interesting…..
Update from T. Humphrey and some early lab results from two V’s:
I want to thank all of you for your prayers and patience🙏God gose before us, so it matters not who is against us. We have a right to know what is in these vaccines, so people can make a decision with the full knowledge of the possible consequences. I will stop at nothing to find out what’s killing our loved ones🥺I fight for this protection and safety of ALL my brothers and sisters. I love ALL of you dearly, without exception❤️Thanks for rallying behind me in prayer and support🙏
Here is his quoted text he sent with this video:
Pfizer kept at -80F
Thawed it. Sterilized the top.
J and J room temp. Sterilized the top.
Extracted about .1 cc from each. Placed on sterile microscope slides. Both plates to asses for general microbial growth.
I used a magnetic to see if the drops would move. They did not.”
Here is the quoted text he sent with the images:
“So after that I took those to the microscope.
The first two photos are Pfizer and show some larger lipid particles (the glassy beads). The third photo is J and J which has a more small crystal appearance.
I used my fluorescence module which did not show any green glow. (So I am leaning against the “luciferase ” talk I see online).
On the glass slide I still couldn’t move anything with magnets.
I think the key findings will be on the sequencing and toxicology.”
Oh wait, wasn’t there another recently? Oh yeah!
Ellen DeGeneres Canceled: Why ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ Is Ending
Another good update of goodies. Parallel Universe – indeed!
Peggy Hall’s awesome work:

To support my work, please Like/Share/Subscribe and Donate. Thank you!
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This email pretty much sums it up.
Dear Friends for Freedom,
This is not the time of big organizations fixing the world. It is a time where brave and passionate individuals rise up in the gifting and strength they have received, to serve humanity.
We all have a gift that we can use to help towards the deliverance of our world from evil.
It’s for a reason – think about this – that the satanic elite have been focusing the past decades in transforming intelligent, creative, gifted individuals into dumb, lazy and selfish consumers. They did this through media and entertainment, that bombarded humanity with the worst kind of TV programs, music, movies, games etc. of all time.
Never before in the history of mankind has there been such an overwhelming amount of absolutely ridiculous, demonic, perverse and aggressive programs that all have one purpose: attack the divine, royal, precious identity of humanity and tear them down, to become a bunch of superficial, foolish, sugar addicted, uninterested, perverted consumers who have no clue about who they truly are.
Do you understand what I am saying?
It’s not normal to switch on TV or open the internet and see nothing but absolutely unimportant, stupid, irrelevant, and perverse stuff.
That is not normal.
When we understand that all the main media and entertainment channels are owned by the tiny group of the same people, and if we know that it’s these people who want to submit humanity to their fingertips of totalitarian control, then we also understand that the insanity and downright nonsense that is non stop broadcasted to all of us, has a purpose.
They are feeding trash to humans so they would loose their power.
This is strategy.
I am a Christian and I deeply know that we are all created as amazing divine beings, with royalty bestowed upon us. We all have tremendous potential to do good in ways that are eternally effective.
It’s normal people who made all the inventions that helped humanity.
You and I are inheritantly divine and we have a potential that is greatly feared by the satanic elite.
Because they know: if the billions of people rise up from being unhealthy, lazy, foolish, selfish consumers of our toxic products, and start functioning as the intelligent, courageous, creative, loving beings they are intended to be, then they become a massive threat to us.
Therefor they have strategically overwhelmed humanity for decades with the most perverse, violent, insanely ridiculous programming to turn us into weak, foolish consumers who only care about their own pleasure and profit.
But the time has come to shift from that realm into our destiny, and become the heroes we are created to be.
God created you and me as his very own offspring, with the potential to create, heal, invent, build, investigate, reveal, educate, compose, sing, dance, help, encourage and so much more.
Each and everyone of is a miracle carrying many miracles inside of us, that are waiting to be released.
I encourage you to stop waiting for the big organizations that are typically money driven, to do everything for you.
With Stop World Control I am showing everyone what can be done if one person or one family rise up with a pure heart to fight for the well being of the world.
We are reaching millions.
If this is what we as one family can do, what is it that all of us together can unleash?
What is brewing, bubbling or slumbering deep inside of you?
What is your secret gift?
What is your dream?
Think about and dare to let it out.
God has a plan with all of us. This has nothing whatsoever to do with any kind of religion. It is simply the most basic and powerful reality in this life.
The one who gave us the amazing gifting that we all have inside of us, has meant us to become a solution, a source of hope, an encouragement, an answer, etc. to the world around us.
One person can change the world.
Let it come forth from you and may the world become a better place, because the treasure in you is unearthed and shines it’s beauty to the world in need.
May we all do our part. Don’t sit around doing nothing. Stop waiting for the big guys to save us.
Be that flame of fire wherever you are.
It will lit bigger fires that you cannot even see now.
David Sorensen
PS: while I write this, we are walking through the challenge I wrote about earlier. We still need many to act. Please support us so SWC will continue unhindered. Click here to help:
Powered by:
Sound Of Heaven International, 49270 County Road LL56, Villa Grove, DE 81155, United States
Couple of things…
EVERY country has its deep state – even Israel, even Palestine.
The mafia is is the DIRECT descendant of the Sharia street patrol – Sicily was under the Caliphate the last time Islam invaded the West. (I always find it interesting that the word ‘mafia’ is used in connection with the Kazars…)
There are 4 approved methods of lying in Islam:
Projection is a tactic used constantly by the deep state operatives.
The victim card is the other.
Did you see Mayor Kahn crowing from his caliphate center in London? There are no moderates – only those awaiting their marching orders…
A military person who is not considered deployable will, after a period of time, be discharged – I am assuming in this instance, a ‘medical’ discharge will be used.
Great way to decimate the military… continuing Obama, the closet muslims, plan.
The alliance of evil:
So, the election evidence was tampered with – the AZ election board will be thrown under the bus.
Big deal – the overall malfeasance will be blamed on one tiny group, and the rest of the bastards will walk. In the eyes of the mind controlled, the election will still be theirs. All this watching and waiting for a big damp squib.
Hope I am wrong on that – I had hoped the AZ results would be the watershed, that extra 5% that would trigger the EBS…
In war – by all means necessary is the only rule.
I had this conversation recently. Saying how can we win, when we are playing by law, against the utterly lawless, who will use any and all tactics… We severely restrict our tactics – ie fight one handed – so at the end (wheneverthehell that is), we can shine our halos and say, ‘see, WE followed the rules’, rather than ‘we won’.
Thing is, in war – the only rule is WIN. Everything else is moot. If you do not win, you, your rules, your history – everything, will just vanish.
Your name is scratched from the cartouche, your head removed from the statue. You cease to exist.
Maybe I’m just a bit tired and down today, another disturbed night sleep, ugh. 😞
I just watched this after posting the previous comment:
I think Islam will be losing followers, despite the fact that criticising Islam (mutiny), and leaving Islam (desertion) are still death penalty offences – just as they were when the army of Islam as created, in the 7th Century.
It also is worth keeping in mind, that Islam has zero taboos against pedophilia and the tunnels being bombed in Gaza are more than likely being used for much more than Hamas troop movements…
I did also notice photos yesterday of ‘religious’ men burying their faces in the crotches of babies, in some kind of ceremony – they appeared to be Catholic, and Jewish (according to the caption), there was no description of what the ceremony was.
By all means necessary.
Lets not talk about FGM at all.
Sometimes I hate humanity, and that I did not know all this stuff…
Time to go sort the animals out.
Time for some sanity.