5/14 Finds…..And a share or two….


The birds continue with their songs – all over the neighborhood – all day.  And our tree is dropping leaves like it is mid-July.  Something’s up…..

Well in today’s face diaper issue – my mate was denied entry to a local store for not having a face diaper.  He had left it at home.  Did the store have anything to offer him?  Nope.  Nothing.  O M G the desire to sue these clue-less/ball-less/ta-ta-less businesses is so strong makes me want to go full on Clark Griswold:

Clark Griswold's Holiday Rant - YouTube

Here are some finds.






May be an image of text that says 'KAGBABE Companies so far who dropped mask mandate, will not ask for proof of vaccination: .Trader Joe's .Walmart .CVS .Costco 39 5:46 PM Mute'


Yeah – question is – will they violate the rule of law AGAIN and ask for proof?  Eye roll after eye roll on most everything in this reality now….

“You Can Pry My Mask Off My Cold, Dead Face” – Covid Cultists Go Berserk After CDC Updates Mask Guidance, Big Box Retailers Drop Mask Mandates


Now this is interesting.  Remember a month or two ago when you would google Grenell it showed up (temporarily) as him being The President.  Grenell even put it on his twitter page and had some fun with it.  At the time I said it’s possible Grenell is one of the people playing the role.  Same height – beautiful straight teeth – quite the mobility for someone allegedly almost 80 years old…

Watch: Richard Grenell Calls Susan Rice the ‘Shadow President’ and ‘No One is Paying Attention’


Fox News’ Peter Doocy Destroys Psaki on Biden’s “Neanderthal” Comment After CDC Updates Mask Guidance (VIDEO)


Report: Biden Has a ‘Short Fuse’ — Goes on Profanity Laced Tirades at Aides


Sounds rather sudden to me….

BREAKING: Don Lemon Announces Friday Was Final Episode of ‘CNN Tonight With Don Lemon’ — But He is NOT Leaving the Network


Dominion Announces They Willingly Gave Passwords to Maricopa County Auditors in February — But Refuse to Give Passwords to State Senate Audit Team

Biden Pulls ALL US TROOPS From Israel – Exposing Ally to Jihadists and Regime in Tehran


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered – A Direct Link Between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center





Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 5 14 21


Schumann ~ never seen what is more or less of a “3-peat”….interesting….




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

6 thoughts on “5/14 Finds…..And a share or two….”

  1. “And our tree is dropping leaves like it is mid-July…” Yes! Ours is too! Can’t figure it out. A lot of the vegetation around us is sporting yellow leaves!

  2. That word ‘pry’ – funny how it became a word du jour…

    The left are so easily influenced.

    My only concern now are the vaxxed being turned into bio weapons, spreading the real disease, as opposed to the media created one.

    The mind screw really does belong in the asylum.

    I forsee a reversal, the vaxxed lunatics spraying disease with every pompous word and action, intentionally trying to infect those who are not of the hive mind – their Landru – in effect, becoming true bio weapons, actively working for their masters.

    That Walmart has canceled masks… they are part of the evil network (have shopped there 3 times in the last 4 years), so, when they support something – I have to be suspicious.

    Trader Joes – a Leftist hangout, Costco – was that not where Hildabeast did her book signing?

    I am suspicious of them and their motives.

    The vax is one end of the mind control system, 5G is the other. The vax is also being used to spread the sterilization agenda (at my age, no longer an issue).

    What was true last year, is true now, a stupid mask will not stop a virus, sunlight, vit D, zinc, quinine will.

    However, this new form of sterilization may be stopped by a mask, if the cells being shed by the bioweapon-left, are large enough, those still in their childbearing years may want to take this seriously.

    I am assuming the sterilization factor will fade – or the CCP will have to deal with this issue too… unless of course, it is not from them but, another, source, that is unaffected by the vector.

    Do you remember the Stargate episode, where ‘benign’ aliens came to one of the future alternate reality Earths, bringing all kinds of beneficial tech? The fertility rates of humans began to decline – because the aliens were introducing a steralizing factor into the food chain (I think that was the method it has been a couple of years since I watched the series, I remember sterilizing humans as the main thrust).

    Their real agenda was the removal of humans, so the aliens could have Earths resources.

    SG1 from that reality, managed to send a message to our SG1, telling them to avoid the area where the alien stargate was located.

    Remember that awful tv series from the 70s? “V”? About reptilian aliens, that could look like humans, who were bent in taking over Earth?

    I tried to watch it again, but it was just too awful… the acting, the hair, the costumes, the effects… too cringy.

    Maybe I should try again.

    Predictive programming from 50 years ago…

    1. OMG. Yes. Have just been getting into Stargate SG-1 these last few weeks and what I see disclosed in the show is mind boggling. The episode with the Aschen – evil humanoids promising advanced healing tech and peace, while their vax sterilizes the population – that’s what we’re seeing, isn’t it? And the episode with the people in the bubble who wore a V-shaped ‘link’ on their heads that erased their memories while people around them disappeared because ‘the dome couldn’t support the population’, and the computer hive mind was trying to compel SG-1 to wear the link ‘for their own good’ – I mean, it’s just uncanny. To think, this came in the early 2000’s. Wow.

      Oddly, I had deja vu leaving this comment… 😳

    2. i have actually thought that – the size of what is being emitted may be big enough to be stopped by a f. diaper – if so – i’ll just keep wearing it at the stores – now – proudly – until i know different.

  3. So, you don’t have to have a mask at WalMart anymore? I was there this morning and they still had the signs up and people checking at the door. Maybe it’s by state?

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