I’m on the fence perched like an angry hawk ready to pounce on any sign of stupid and peck their heads until they WAKE UP. Or go away.
I NEED THIS TO COME TO AN END! Ignorance is no longer an excuse.
With their shedding now……. We are truly going to need a miracle of amazing huge “biblical” proportions to fix this one. Perhaps the NCSWIC is just that.
This afternoon I thought things are SO OBVIOUSLY F’D UP right now – it insults every one of us who is awake – who have done our “homework” – and those not seeing looking more stewpid than ever. To me. The phrase I use often: “If they can’t see NOW…..” We’re beyond the frying pan on the head moment. We are truly in a twilight zone of epic proportions of stupid.
Can I say that word again? It’s all I have. Let’s check the thesaurus for another word. Dolt is a good one as is half-wit.
As I made dinner, my mate and child went on a quick errand so I brought out the radio and turned it on. Remember last week I said I woke up hearing Van Halen’s “Jump”? “Get ready and JUMP!” I turn on the radio and that’s the song playing. I wasn’t so interested in hearing it so I turned it to the next station. Styx. “Suite Madame Blues”. I hear “Red, white and blue gaze into your looking glass. You’re not a child anymore. Red white and blue the future is all but past. So lift up your heart make a new start.”
READY – set – JUMP.
This ties in with something I thought as I woke up this morning. Time travel. I mentioned here, I think, that we recently watched Back to the Future (first one). This morning I thought about T and how he told M “I cannot believe I am here using your time machines” (as referred to in The Gunner’s Wife’s last video). I thought of how Marty in BTTF went into the future in order to change the past. I thought about T and how he (and others) did that as well. Heck, they probably even inserted passages into the bible to align with what we are seeing now – countering the narrative of evil (which is also written in the bible). Anyway….. so interesting I had that thought this morning then heard the song mentioning looking glass.
And speaking of, The Gunner’s Wife has a new one so that will be shared below. I haven’t watched it yet – once I do if I feel the need to make some comments I will. Been thinking about her often the past few weeks – calling her forth to put out a new one. I continue to feel she is part of the plan.
The schumann gave a nice burst today. I always imagine it clearing away the crud.
So as far as what’s going on in the world – I didn’t see much that calls me to share. As I said – unless it has some real substance and isn’t just more of the same playing out without solid change – I ain’t sharing it or engaging.
But I did see this:
AZ Audit Update: Deleted Databases from Maricopa County Recovered!
Funny how that works. 17 said “We have it all.” I took that to be literal at the time. Any attempt to remove – so what. They knew this election theft was coming. Looking glass. Time travel.
Fascinating stuff.
And here’s another mind-meld. Remember last night I wrote about HIPAA and HIPPA – and how the system today says it’s always been HIPAA but I showed that clearly wasn’t the case by sharing an article put out in march/april 2003? Well I have heard from others who worked in health care who also said yes it once was HIPPA and it did include the word “privacy”. One of these people passed on another file from the same website I shared last night – this time from September 2003 – showing the phrase HIPAA. So this could give us a possible time frame when things “switched”.
The HIPAA privacy rule and physician responses to medical-record requests in civil litigation
OR this could be further proof showing both sides using looking glass and time travel to out pace one another for there are others who have said it was HIPPA as late as 2015. So it is absolutely possible one timeline gets erased/changed, another inserted, then the original is introduced with slight alterations, then another comes online. Etc. etc. etc. No wonder so many of us feel disoriented at times. When we are real humans and are awake – we FEEL these changes.

Supreme Court Unanimously Rebuffs Biden Administration on Warrantless Searches for Handguns
The Supreme Court unanimously rejected Biden administration arguments in a case from Rhode Island that police should be …
And saving the best for last ~ the latest from The Gunner’s Wife:
Trump Xi NATO Lip Read: See Their Secret Plan With Your Own Eyes… !!!
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Very funny and ironic Health Ranger video.
Remember the movie “Soilent Green”? “The Matrix”?
US states liquefy vaccine-murdered people and spread their flesh goo on food crops as “fertilizer”
Also from Health Ranger…
Now 20 US states have legalized the practice of liquefying dead people, dumping their flesh goo down the sewage drains, harvesting the sewage as “biosludge” and spreading it on food crops as a form of fertilizer. (See absolute proof in today’s shocking article, below.)
Welcome to 2021 in America, where the dead are liquefied and fed to the living, almost like a scene ripped right out of The Matrix. Wisconsin just legalized the practice, joining 20 other states that have also legalized this plan as a way to dispose of all the dead human bodies being produced by the covid vaccine death wave.
How much weirder can it get? Cannibalism via fertilizer?
omg….yes just like the matrix – liquifying the dead to feed back to the growing babies…and yes soilent green….S I C K….perverse….E V I L….i just wow…..
Well I’d like to be able to find the scene but I’m not quite tech savvy enough, but, one from this movie Overlord. It’s the scene where, as the Nazis are experimenting with DNA altering drugs to create super soldiers, sometimes they have ones that clearly go wrong, and they get rid of the problem by going full-blown flamethrower on them. Is it wrong of me to imagine this of people who are vaxed? 😁🤣😀💁♂️🤷♂️ lol!