5/2 Finds & A Check-in….



I’m feeling like jumping outta my skin (again) today.  I’m wondering if all of this wanting to know more about the matrix and even the exit concept and all that is just keeping it (matrix) going at this point.  So many different thoughts and feeeeels being put out there – so much of it conflicting.  I just had this flash of an image of the matrix moving its parts and pieces around when someone sees/intuits how it operates in the attempt to hide itself.  Nothing is hidden forever…..

That being said I do feeeeeel this j a b agenda is their final push.  Many are saying no – but is it enough?  I don’t know.  Still very tired – not diving into the happenings much and honestly not caring now until I SEE the change(s).  It is the “boy crying wolf” syndrome now.  Yeah, keep crying “soon” and “it’s happening” and you lose my attention.  Feeling like I am in a space of “no time” and that “holding” pattern continues – which I am accepting but putting it aside now.  Continuing to look for the new home.  Doors must and will open.  We ask to be shown – to be guided.  Right place.  Right people.  Right opportunities.  All divinely guided.  Any and all energies sent out to block are being dealt with by my group of warriors who know how to deal with those situations.

Anyone finding that when you go into your nice zone with whatever joyful activity – it is becoming more challenging to return to “reality”?  Yeah…..

Well, not much more to say.  Thank you to all of you who donate to support my work.  I appreciate each of you.  For the rest, please help support myself and my family by donating.  Thank you.

Here is what I am seeing come my way today.




Linea’s latest:  Our exit. Zombie apocalypse?



What you see on the floor of the audit is just the tip of the iceberg.
Dont forget about the canvassing, digital forensics and even physical forensics that are being done in parallel.


It’s a real book and it is chilling.  It is the invisible enemy and their human minions the d.s. ca b al plan for us.  NOT HAPPENING.

Another schumann bubble of cleansing energy.  These current 3 seem to be running around 20/24 hours apart.  For the love of Love let this one remove the last of whatever is keeping the matrix/deception/ai/evil agenda going….MAKE IT SO.
Some j a b info:







Then there is this.  I don’t know if I shared this here recently – I think I did – but if not, a week or two ago I told my mate I had a feeeeling that this “shot heard around the world” was in relation to the j a b.  Tonight – I see this (pdf file):

“A Shot Heard Around the World,” is a compilation of almost 500 references with citations predominately coming from original sources, scientific journals, medical journals, peer reviewed studies, lawsuit filings, original letters, and includes direct links to the CDC, FDA, clinical trials, and manufacturers’ own reports. In some categories, experts are warning there may be devastating problems with the mass inoculation policies.”


Also of interest to me- referring to the 17 drops that speak of “THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD” – there are just 4 – all within a few days apart from January 2018.  Most 17 drops always have an ID number (with letters and numbers).  But with the ones I reference, 3 of the 4 have ID number as 000000.  I am really feeling this means something.  Countdown has reached zero?  At the end? (FINALLY)  I don’t know…..Any thoughts?


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “5/2 Finds & A Check-in….”

  1. Re:” I’m wondering if all of this wanting to know more about the matrix and even the exit concept and all that is just keeping it (matrix) going at this point.”
    I and a couple of my fellow intrepid researchers and spiritually attuned detectives have also pondered this problem. It goes back to the ancient wisdom: that which we hold in mind co-creates our reality.
    I say–“co-create” because no man is an island–and as we’re witnessing– even those who don’t get stuck with the genome modifier drug are still affected by those who do. We now see that vaxxidents(mini-strokes) cause mayhem on our roads and highways, and that women are subject to still births and miscarriages due to proximity with other women who’ve had the drug. The predicted zombie apocalypse (caused by neurodegenerative disorders) seems inevitable at this stage. However–the very evil science that created this mayhem may also provide the key to solving the problems associated with damage to our species. Trouble is–the Technofascists seem hell-bent on the de-pop program. Whether we are discerning observers of the Matrix, we ought not tune out and live in the bubble of denial and ignore-ance. In a nutshell: you and others are a collective “WE” and are on the same vibratory wavelength. This seems to be an initiation of some type–and we are all in the process of learning how to process the matrix roadmap as well as how to exit the toxicity it breeds. Shalom…Om Namah Shivaya.

  2. “Space out of time” is what I started hearing last summer for how it felt inside my home. I decided then to establish this INSIDE my mirrored space ( comment re: 4/29 post) to hold my space out of time when I step out my door and hopefully downplay/deflect the matrix craziness…and stop empowering it? That was my hope.

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