Michigan Residents Say They ‘Identify As Fully Vaccinated’ To Ditch Masks In Public
Suspicious Package Containing White Powder Sent to Senator Rand Paul’s Home – Rand Paul Responds
I see their signs on businesses including a couple of churches – one a Synagogue.
White Hats at work:
CDC caught red handed
excerpt from article
CDC Changes Test Threshold
Person A has not been vaccinated. They test positive for Covid using a PCR test at 40 cycles and, despite having no symptoms, they are officially a “covid case”.
Person B has been vaccinated. They test positive at 28 cycles, and spend six weeks bedridden with a high fever. Because they never went into a hospital and didn’t die they are NOT a Covid case.
Person C, who was also vaccinated, did die. After weeks in hospital with a high fever and respiratory problems. Only their positive PCR test was 29 cycles, so they’re not officially a Covid case either.
The CDC is demonstrating the beauty of having a “disease” that can appear or disappear depending on how you measure it.
To be clear: If these new policies had been the global approach to “Covid” since December 2019, there would never have been a pandemic at all
Information waterfall.
Buckle up!

It’s PAST TIME to #FireFauci
Save America, Stop Socialism.
Defeat the democrats! 🇺🇲

[ Photo ]
How can the Dems be allowed to get away with this?
Trump statement after Windham, New Hampshire, 2020 election auditor says error rate ‘way higher than we expected’ as they find folds in ballots caused miscounts.
hmmm… know as someone commented this is possible if the nano (small) substances in the V interact w/the person’s blood….
and then there is this:
Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine
“The most common method for synthesizing nanometer-sized magnetite Fe3O4 particles in solution is by chemical coprecipitation of iron salts.”
What is magnetite? “Magnetite is a mineral and one of the main iron ores, with the chemical formula Fe₃O₄. It is one of the oxides of iron, and is ferrimagnetic; it is attracted to a magnet and can be magnetized to become a permanent magnet itself.”
Taken from a social media page:
YRFT update on GAB:
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The magnet chap… would be interesting to see if his blood has a high iron content.
If the effect is due to magnetic material being introduced into his body – would the magnet not be repulsed when he flips it over?
Will he now be able to navigate like birds, using the Earth’s magnetic field (🙂)?
I have no doubt in my mind that the vax is nefarious, and, is designed with only one end in mind – the complete control over humanity.
My mum got the first part of the vax back in March and got a rash on her arms the next day (but in her mind its not connected). She says she has not had the second part (but she could just be saying that), and finally her rash is going away… now they are testing for diabetes, because, you know – you have to be a daily customer of big pharma, or you die… ugh.
I purchased some of the pine needle tea from Amazon (despite them saying it was out if stock), and just finished my first cup this am. Not bad, nice aroma, not bitter – did not need any honey. After the vet visit yesterday (she is a CA import, but as we only talk about the animals, there is no ‘Agent Smith’ reaction. Saw that analogy today on Anonup – I definitely aligned with that), I figured now would be an ideal time to test it.
I just read the Japanese Red Cross refuses blood donations from those vxx’d for covid.