You know – I had this little “fantasy” (wish) that T drops the truth during his upcoming rallies…..
Going home. Getting ready for the short intense time ahead.
Discernment in this one (Ashtar command is referenced and I have wondered about that “clan” – perhaps it is a real group but could also have been used by the AI to create confusion – in the channelings as those messages, for me, often contain nonsense)….
BIG Show Today Cirsten W & Gene Decode
NEW – Florida Gov. DeSantis: “The crazy people are the ones that are vaccinated still wearing six masks in New York City.”
🗣️thankful every day that i live in Florida…
Sen. John Kennedy Grills Dr. Fauci On Trusting Chinese Researchers, Fauci’s Boss Reveals Bombshell
Evil is as evil does….(and evil is missing the letter “d”)….
Seriously, everything and everyone just needs to stop. Let me put it like this – I feel as if I am standing in the center of a very large room of very large building. And for dramatic effect we’ll say it’s on the 7th floor. So I’m standing still just looking. And EVERYBODY else is just running around screaming and yelling about fire. They’re stopping, dropping and rolling. SOME are even jumping out of the windows to their deaths to escape said fire. But the thing is….there IS NO FIRE, only silence. These people are all just delusional, gone mad at the hands of neurotic storytellers (the definition bears elaboration as it applies perfectly to the world today. Neurotic means you’re afflicted by neurosis, a word that has been in use since the 1700s to describe mental, emotional, or physical reactions that are drastic and irrational. At its root, a neurotic behavior is an automatic, unconscious effort to manage deep anxiety). Instead of questioning who pulled the lever in the light of a non emergency, they only hear the sounded alarm. They see others running, so instead of REacting they act, no thinking for themselves only following the other lemmings right over the cliff. True herd mentality. So very easily corralled. And here I am, standing amidst all of it, like in the one protected spot in the center of a violent pinball game. And I’m just wondering – WHAT. THE FUCK?