6.11.24 ~ Additional interesting finds worth noting plus a bizarre experience


Here is (just one example) showing we live in a simulation.  Before I headed out tonight, I felt that narc program that likes to create chaos and confusion come in.  I got a bit lost in it (as in I started to shrink and go numb/freeze) so I didn’t do my usual “energy pow wow” stuff.  Driving down the road, this motorbike shows up off to my right in the bike lane, going the same direction.  He continued beside me until he continued on his way North while I turned (east).  45 minutes later, coming home, I approach an intersection and SEE THE SAME DUDE SAME BIKE – coming from the East.  He literally cut me off – he did. not. see. me.  It was twilight by this time, so I had my lights on.  He headed the same direction as I was until I said “that’s it” – I didn’t want him in my experience – so I sped up and passed him, leaving a big distance.  (ah if only it were that easy for every unwanted encounter, eh?)

Also noticed while we were out – as we walked inside a department store – there were some people but not much – but within 2 minutes – no joke – the store was suddenly very crowded and VERY loud – so much so my girl gives me a look and says, “mom let’s go home NOW”.  I agreed – but decided to stop off at one of the big obnoxious box stores – one I hadn’t been in in awhile (their CV policies were unbelievably draconian).  O M G – talk about a maze – aisles blocked off – making you walk allllllllllllll the way around here and there.  Rows of over-priced crappy food.  So we decided to leave – after it took a bit to figure out the way out.  Then walking out to the parking lot – I see people speeding like mad through the lot – then a row – a literal row of Prius’ – all following one another – gathering into another mass of cars suddenly leaving the lot all at once.  That was it for me.  I pulled over – munched on some pretzels while I waited for all of them to leave.  Once they did, I was the only one driving out of the lot and the only one at the light.

W E I R D.

Here are some additional finds.  Please help me out by supporting my work – donating and sharing.  It means a lot – whatever you can afford.  Thank you!





I woke up this morning thinking about this one:





I’m so tired of the fear-porn being pushed on this by some accounts who tell us it’s a lie or a scam or it’s to get us to go in the “wrong” direction.  I don’t know of ANYONE who has been struggling $$ for so very long that if offered some financial abundance to change their life – who in their right mind would turn that down?  With where I am in my life right now – at this moment – I GLADLY accept and receive abundance to do what I need to do.  With open arms – with an open heart and with a lot of gratitude.  And who in their right mind not to mention who in their hearts would think if someone did that, they get a bad ending or less-than ending?  Just UGH enough already!  Love is love.  PERIOD.  And it comes from the heart and intentions and goodness of the person – not if they make some choice that “higher ups” disagree with.






And some heart smiles:





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “6.11.24 ~ Additional interesting finds worth noting plus a bizarre experience”

  1. Simulation or “Simulacrum” (as Brashears prefers)…there is no doubt in my mind that most of this social (or anti-social) program is indeed “a program.” re your experience in the box store/parking lot–I just wish I could travel on the Beltway with 75% fewer idiots weaving in and out at 85-90 mph. When the lockdowns were in effect I took advantage of enjoying the emptier hiways. Very disturbed to see local biz leaving town,however; but enjoyed the less crowded roads for a few weeks. As for today’s posted tweets and clues–I am SOOOO READY for the New Earth, and wish to ‘pray it into BEING’ asap. I resonate with your analogy of the”narc” program and how it makes one feel like a pariah. I am presently dealing with govt (soc services) and feel like a “loser”; however, hearing Kevin Spacey speak about his recent foreclosure (probably a mansion-boo hoo), I did realize that we are all in the same boat as long as a Central Bank HQ runs the Moloch show on planet Earth. As much as I remain a wee bit hopeful that China/Russia/Turkey/Saudi- BRICS players will aid in shifting the power base away from Davos, I also feel wary within the context of the Who (rock band) lyrics: “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” A song that used to be so anti-establishment that we’d never dream of hearing it in a grocery store as background muzak. I was in a Whole Foods a few years ago when I heard the song perform as upbeat wallpaper for spending money so Bezos could buy a bigger yacht.. I really didn’t appreciate hearing it as background muzak in Bezo’s store. I rarely shop at WF–on purpose. When I learned that Bezos’s grandad was one of the principal founders of DARPA–the spidey sense tingled and the brain cells aligned at attention: there it was yet again–Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick. Bezos had gotten the message from the insider (grandpa) who told him the internet was going to go BIG in a BIG way–and Jeffrey could even become a billionaire if he got to work–which Jeff did (not begrudging his diligence) as early as the 1990’s– well before the internet was accessible on everyone’s pocket computer. I suppose most awakened folks realize that the pocket computers were always the means to an end,i.e., to connect a persons bank account more readily with greater speed to the BIG BOX players (like Amazon). It was always about the MONEY. Without getting into the emotionally reactive useless dialogs about Commie-ism vs Social-ism vs Crapital-ism, I remain hopeful that the dethroning of the FED may open a door to deeper (non WEF) meaningful dialogs regarding a socio-economic model which serves ‘collective well being.’..Bucky Fuller was always ahead of the herd mind. Blessings! [or call it :the ‘HEARD-Mind’,i.e., the collective mind which we hear most of the time…here in Matrixville] ps…I’m now out of X-jail and can open tweets. AI forgave me I guess…how Christian of the beast.

    1. Update: X-Twitter jail is still in effect after all [sigh]…When I tried to open a X link at Zerohedge I was stonewalled yet again!… I guess the X AI filters don’t like Zerohedge.

        1. Nope…don’t use the app. I have a queasy feeling that the AI censorbots are getting smarter by the hour. Hoping we don’t get to the stage of Terminator scenarios…AI without actual human oversight is the problem. Thanks for keeping us up to date with the X factors…[in accord with The Plan, it feels like blackout could happen at any moment] …Also, a friend told me that the Earth is at a new tilt stage…need to research this more…and am thinking: if the Earth is tilting at a more radical angle–is this why we humans are feeling off balance? …and is pole shift here and now?

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