Is this one of “the” weeks to remember? Some good stuff going on including Flynn who just a few days ago said the next 3-4 weeks – perhaps sooner – things would explode and shock a lot of people. Then there is Richard Citizen Journalist who showed us today that the FBI Offices in DC are closed and boarded up. Why would that be?
So in the interim, today was a good day to ride the bikes, rest and take care of the vessel. It was also a good day for (receiving) precious metals. You will see that below. What a good day to arrive too – Flag Day and #45’s b-day.
The schumann is still down. Some of the NASA cams updated – others are still down. My mate and I were up past 3am last night talking about time travel and how we’re getting out of here. He says the two suns – both of which are outside (binary system) are magnetic singularities. I shared this before a year or so ago. Anyway as they pull apart (due to magnetics) the field in between becomes a stargate – pulling us out of here. There’s also that Stargate MB showed a couple of years ago. Whether that is real or a projection, we don’t know – likely a projection of what’s outside. Anyway….time travel is really in our presence as I said and continues to be. We can time travel in – we can time travel out – putting us back on the ORIGINAL TIMELINE hence the birth of “a whole new world”.
I do feel thing’s shifted last night. Sleep was easier for all in this house and the energy feels lighter although I can still feeeeeeel that bubbling of energy that implodes into exposure in full. At the store tonight (more fruit) I was feeling some anxiety which continued until I was about halfway home, when I called out for some assistance. The radio station threw on a new song: It’s The End of The World – REM.
And in that end there will be no people burning their garbage – no people using dryer sheets or heavily scented fake laundry soaps or no big farms who spray cow manure all over their fields allowing it filter into nearby neighborhoods thus causing watery eyes, coughing and toxic air. Seriously in need to live in near isolation – away from stupid and inconsideration.
Here is what I am seeing today. First up – some silver and copper arrival in the mail.
Two Nevada Counties Go ‘Constitutional’
The fbi Buliding in Washington today. Empty. Doors are boarded over. 🇺🇸👊🏻
WhipLash347, [14.06.21 20:59]
[Forwarded from Tommyguns]
I’m guessing from looks of it Asia economic collapse imminent
WhipLash347, [14.06.21 20:59]
[ Album ]
THIS is a f’ing good BOOM….I LOVE this woman’s chutzpah:
Another woman – this time a Nun – with some more of that Chutzpah:
🔴Jesus is against vaccines! God made humans better than vaccines can! Natural immunity is stronger, better and without any side effects, but the evil pharma-fascists can’t make money with it.
God bless her. She knows.
I highly doubt they will publicly announce if OR when there would be an EBS…although there is something to these numbers….223….322….mirror….and for those in this house – 22 and 222 are pretty much “things”….and i would think that once all is dropped in full there won’t be any panic by “evil” because they will all be taken care of….that would be the logical thing to do, right? so the only ones left who may “freak” are the normies/programmed….and anything from them in the way of violence/harm would be “taken care of quickly” as 17 says….
Jun 14 2021 – FEMA on Twitter
“On Wednesday, August 11th, at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET, in coordination with
@FCC, we will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts.”
May 30 2021 – George News on YouTube Chat
[Not Sayin’… Just sayin’…]
I like this channel. I wasn’t sure as to the intel – but then I saw Lin Wood give the owner a visit and a shout out – I felt it imperative to tune in and trust.
The Frog News Channel ~ Sunday Wrap up
Aired on the 9th:
Michael Flynn: the next four weeks will shock everybody
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