6/17 Stuff…..


The energy was awful today.  I tried to push it out and clear it.  Anger.  Exhaustion.  Feeling impinged.  The only thing I was able to do was reaffirm my peace within and take a homeopathic remedy – bike ride too.  I had a talk with Sister D today who was feeling the same.  “War”, was all I had to offer as to the cause.  Could be more clearing of “them” – when they leave, we feel it as we’re all connected in this pit of theirs.  Who knows.  It isn’t like evil is gonna say “sure – we’ll step off stage”.  All I DO know is my experience is aligning with what I began to feel 3 years ago:  the closer we get to the end of this war/experience, the more I will want to sleep – which could be the desire to hide/distract myself.

I got “fake checked” by FB today over the satanists doing their thing last week on the beach in Cornwall and the guy who took one down.  FB says these were “protestors” – not satanists.

Pause for hysterical laughter…..

Remember the dream I shared in the last couple of days where I felt I saw myself at the helm of a craft?  Brother Rick told me today he recently had the same dream of himself.  His was more detailed though (the experience).  His craft communicated with him – telepathy at work – which feels so right to me.  Yesterday I told my mate that craft I saw in July ’09 was organic (with some inorganic tech).  It had a consciousness field to it.  And last night, my mate finished watching a series of gaming videos last night – and, well, check out the ending (1:28:30 mark)…..heads up – language warning lol…

ALAN – Subnautica: Below Zero [ENDING]


The headlines today were not favorable in our space – given what few things I did see and what my spouse said – and had decided I wasn’t going to share today – but I did see one thing I wanted to share:

Shared on the 17th no less.
The war is obvious now.
In the end we win with a BOOM.
Then there is this latest from MrMBB333….”invisible force” indeed…..


That’s all I have for today.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “6/17 Stuff…..”

  1. Ha, same here in Germany! Yesterday was a pain in the ass… headaches, stiff neck, muscle and joints hurt and mentally… well lets not talk about that 😀
    So glad it wasn’t just me, although that’s really not nice to say, I guess.
    Anyway, as I woke up today, the first thing I saw were the new images of Mr. Pool and they really rung a bell in me. A big boom, light at the end of the tunnel, going home…

  2. On the need to sleep.

    Well, this week, I have nodded off three times infront if the tv, around 5:30/6pm…

    Normally, I would interpret this as feeling under the weather/coming down with something… but so far, no other symptoms have showed up.

    Now, fair enough, its been over 100° each of the days I have fallen asleep, and the humidiry has been getting higher, as that moisture from the Gulf flows over us, but, despite those factors – my nodding off is odd – noteworthy in fact.

    Hubs worked on the car all day yesterday – seems we need new piston rings – not excessively expensive, but, a real pain to get to and reassemble… so the poor thing sweltered in the garage all day taking the head apart to get to them (he was not sure if it was valves at first).

    He nodded off on the couch too – but to be honest, that is not as unusual, and given the conditions, not surprising either.

    However, what was very unusual after that, was, we BOTH decided bed time was 8 o’clock last night! We literarily looked at each other and said, “Bed?”

    Yes, we are awake at 5am… but normally, we can last until 9pm… 🤣

    I still wonder if the 5G is being tuned in, remember I commented on yawning around the 5G towers?

    I do wonder if that is how they will try to control/direct us en mass – make us sleep, while their nutjobs roam the streets… the lefts brain function is obviously different to ours, maybe a frequency thing, ir maybe different parts of their brains are active – and those parts can be affected to make them act. (Have you ever seen the lecture at what is said to be a military installation, regarding the tech they developed to target the religous center of the brain – the focus was on the cult brain configuration of Islamists? Not too much if a stretch to imagine them using the same tech to CREATE that mind set, istead of disrupt it.)

    I keep thinking of the ‘Landru’ episode of Star Trek… a mind controled population, triggered into insanity.

    The quantum computer info. that is rising to the surface makes me think of this episode too…

    I sense there are connections between all these things.

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