6.19.24 ~ Some Finds


Before I share today’s finds, I want to ask for prayers for Brother Rick who lost his beautiful dog Nala today.  Nala was his companion for many years and after Rick and I connected through this site, he would send pictures and Nala stories over the years.  Always such a hard loss.  She will be missed.  Thank you for the love you send his way.












MrMBB333: 5:50 mark – that ain’t normal radar signature:

Something STRANGE going on with the Atmosphere!!








current collective feeeeeeeeeels:


good news:


S I L V E R……..



license plate clearly not arkansas (or the states):



Gauging Antarctica’s sponginess from space (tudelft.nl)

The Antarctic climate and ecosystem are changing rapidly,


now this is the kind of antarctica info i was looking for – very interesting – it is indeed smoke……..i remember around the time i started this site (8 years ago next month!) – Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf said once antarctica is being exposed, we are at the end………..


I decided to do a Gematria on DRAKES PASSAGE (444):

The Time Has Come

Time To Go Home

The Second Coming

The Snake Has Been Beheaded

Eleven Eleven

Five Five Five

Nine Nine Nine


Full Moon is June 21 – tomorrow is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice for those of you in the southern portion of this realm.





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.