First let me wish Sister Carolin a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Show her some love with your thoughts. She shares a lot of wonderful intel in the comment section and has been a long time friend/supporter of my work.
It continues here.
We pulled out most everything in the garage – swept – vacuumed – organized – repacked and got rid of, I would say, at least half of our belongings. Tossed. Recycled. Donated. We’re almost done with this process and it continues to feel very important. Creating good energy/chi/flow.
Had some fun song synchs, which included the LEONARD BERNSTEIN song….and some Michael Jackson – who has felt in my space today. As I was inside getting dinner together, my mate opens the door, announces “Michael Jackson is on the radio” – so I handed him the spatula, said “swap me” – and went out into the garage and danced to “Billy Jean”. Somewhere – in another experience – I dance. Sing too perhaps – but definitely dance. I don’t share that much here but it really is one of my favorite things to do. And now that I’m older and have little concept of shame left, I’ll dance anywhere I hear music. Car. Stores. In the street. My daughter loves it of course. lol
So – a lot of 3d/matrix focus continues (cleaning/organizing/eliminating) but I still feel the flow come in and speak and guide. I am feeling something big knocking – building – it waxes and wanes but grows as well. I continue to feel the need to remember what it’s like to be young again – and to remember Home and most especially – what do I want my new experience to look like…..
As far as what’s going on on the political/movie screen – dare I dive in and look? After seeing the RvW decision, I walked away from the computer and haven’t checked further. So let me go look and see what I can find.
People saying it ain’t “cue”. Well there are those synchs to show otherwise:
There are also 563 days between the last drop (12.8.2020) and today. 17 drop 563 – check it out….check out the ID and number 44………..”just forgot how to PLAY”. “THEY” hijacked US inside of OUR OWN GAME. “THEY” cannot create ANYTHING. WE ARE THE CREATORS. They TRAPPED US inside of our OWN GAME. There was a war in heaven/home/outside and when we get out, WE RETURN WHERE WE ORIGINATED FROM. We’ve been in a damn dream inside of a damn holographic simulation aka “the matrix”. Some of us are the original POW’s of the war – the rest came in after the fact and got “trapped” here with us in their reincarnation looping system. Today I felt the hunch that not all of us originated from the same place which says not all are human (humankind) here. Many different races in one giant melting pot – which explains why we all have our own feeeeels and visions on what “HOME” and “WE” really are. Respect that.
Anonymous ID: b3aa4e No. 16505361
Wow! How does@vincentkennedy always know?? Q returned the day after VK says things are “lining up” for the 24th!#VKProof
new Q:
Shows up here and image
San Tarot’s latest……….definitely going to listen to this one:
#capricorn #tarot #intuitivereading
Capricorn – A giant telepathic rainbow blast!
SCHUMANN: Quiet atm, but I notice that awful grid/fence pattern is gone – and I can really feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel that:
Imagine that! Tinkering with nature has unexpected consequences…They thought they could produce placid hamsters, but nature thought otherwise. Mmmmhhhh…
Yes! Thank you! I did feel the love!! Had a glorious, perfect 2 days!
Senate Hearing on toxins..
Stew Peter’s Interview about this subject
I believe that most of this has already been halted. However, it’s good to know what it was all about and to what extend!