

Nothing today friends.  Today was difficult – painful – challenging – so I am taking care of myself.  There were bright moments of course including a new connection with someone local (ya!).  The sun was out.  And I end the day with the same focus as has been within me for a little while now.  To those who were there for me today – thank you.  💖🙏


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “6.8.24”

  1. Message #3: My reply to X staff after being locked out: “X “Rules” = “Censorship.” I gather Elon isn’t the so called anti-censorship advocate he pretended to be after all? Oh, excuse me–I guess this sort of heartfelt informed sentiment must undergo “A.I.” scrutiny in order to pass muster. I may presume that even when tyranny exists in the world–that we human beings in the serf class(aka-cheaper seats) are not allowed to condemn the actions or behavior of despots and criminals. I am not going to lose sleep over this–but my opinions of Mr Musk have now been adjusted, and I intend to spread the news of his hypocrisy whenever I am allowed or able. Word of mouth travels far in this world (believe it or not)…and just because the Silly Con-Valley Boys believe that they control the entire world–t’ain’t necessarily so! Good day your lordship borgs.”

    1. dang – well you’re in good company – i’ve had the same thing happen. yeah censorship is still going on there as are their “faux” checkers. btw what is your twatter handle? i don’t know if i follow you – i’d like to.

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