7.7.24 Finds – What’s up with Hurricane Beryl? Some very interesting puzzle piecing………




Category 1………..are mandatory evacuations typical in a Cat 1?




This is – very interesting……..I’m wondering what is going to be purged w/this storm………..

VETTING above paths:

Hurricane Beryl path:

Where is Hurricane Beryl? Track forecast, path before Texas landfall


April 8 2024 eclipse path:

April 8 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Map Usa - Toby Aeriell


And remember the gematria i did on the hurricane included:

A Week To Remember (which in the shower portal tonight i heard in my mind)

Happy Holidays (christmas in july – as i said that’s been in the vibe again – A G A I N – lately)

A Perfect Storm

Time To Wake Up


This thing also passes through Victoria……….(TX)


Ezekiel’s wheels was the same color as the Beryl stone………

Beryl[N][S]the rendering in the Authorized Version of the Hebrew word tarshish , a precious stone; probably so called as being brought from Tarshish. It was one of the stones on the breastplate of the high priest ( Exodus 28:20 ; RSV marg., “chalcedony;” 39:13 ). The colour of the wheels in Ezekiel’s vision was as the colour of a beryl stone ( 1:16 ; 10:9 ; RSV, “stone of Tarshish”). It is mentioned in Cant 5:14 ; Daniel 10:6 ; Revelation 21:20 . In Ezekiel 28:13 the LXX. render the word by “chrysolite,” which the Jewish historian Josephus regards as its proper translation. This also is the rendering given in the Authorized Version in the margin. That was a gold-coloured gem, the topaz of ancient authors.

Revelation 21:20-21

20 the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.[a] 21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.



This is what we’ve been doing until around 9/10pm the last several days……..









Stormy Monday………


Double meteor shower will light up the night skies this month – Earth.com


I love church bells.  We have one that rings now and then – it’s a wonderful sound.


I am noticing a change at the local Kroger store.  They removed the entire row of huge TV screens that have been there for well over a decade (that were so obnoxious as all of them were on and they were right at the place where you check out) and instead they have a nice, long shelving unit of all sorts of gadgets – all under $10.  Think dollar store only higher quality at otherwise affordable price.  Also noticing clothing prices continue to be 40-60% off.  They’ve begun getting in fall stuff – and even some of those items are 40% off.  They also have a lot of buy one get one items and markdowns/sales everywhere.  Something’s up…….I love what he says, btw.  We need that here – we need that kind of Spirit and Leadership EVERYWHERE.


I think he’s what, double, triple boosted?




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.