8.12.22 Finds…………


Daytime.  Night.  Went out for a bit tonight with my girl – clothes shopping.  Absolutely nothing for her in terms of clothing – but did get her a toy.  We kept saying “who is designing the clothes??”  Just UGH.  And the clerk – wow – looked like he crawled out of bed and walked to work in a wind storm.  Energy was as low as I’ve seen in a person.

Tonight’s WWE comm which is very interesting:  “We are going to show you a new timeline.  Tick tock.  Time is up.”  New character – Karrion Kross.  (carrying cross?)

Seeing more saying it is time now ~ something being felt continuously.  It is time for the “out” to CHANGE into the desired reality.






Well this aligns with my feeeeeel that some part of me is watching all of this play out – and it is all a movie.  While that bus may be an illusion however it can still harm us here……..






Freedom here – no desire to see the rest of this “movie”……..We’ve seen enough here.  Many I know have stopped watching.  I just scan briefly to give an indication as to how close it is to the end.






This is a good one………


This is some random photo of the Capitol Building in Washington DC posted by a sleeper on Instagram.

A multi-level structure in front with no “construction equipment” in sight.

Convince me that it’s business as usual in DC.




24 cycle schumann energy continues………..starting back up again too:




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “8.12.22 Finds…………”

  1. Fantastic! Loved the tweets. I have been feeling as if most of what passes for reality is an absurd illusion for a while now–but especially the last couple of months. The Truman Show comes to mind–the media’s script really does seem this unreal. As for the Mar-a-Lago a go go charade, what the hell??!…None of it makes any sense. Is Garland trying to make sure DT is elected in 2024?…ha. Really craaazy. The detail that really seemed tacky was the image of the G-men going through Melania’s wardrobe and doing god knows what to her clothes. Perhaps absconding with some spicy piece of lingerie, and then going home to try it on ala J. Edgar Hoover(who also loved to dress in women’s clothes!)…May we all keep our sense of humor intact and remember Who we Be. Blessings!

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