8.13.24 ~ Headlines, Finds, Puzzle Piecing………..






Kind of feels rather “quiet” atm – schumann is pretty quiet, KP is down from yesterday’s 8’s, nothing really going down on downdetector.  Earthquakes, same, although I noticed a 4.4 quake in Pahrump, Nevada at 13km – they also had a 3.1 an hour ago, 11km and a 1.6 at 0km (surface?) aboutu 40 minutes ago (10:10pm PST – lol yeah that’s what time it is atm).  Pahrump is a straight shot south from Area 51, approx. 72 miles.  They do experience quakes pretty regularly – I just thought the depth was interesting given all that’s going on in this realm.

I wanted to ask the experts how you can record a quake at 0 KM.  Found this.  Noticed the word “blast”.

An earthquake cannot physically occur at a depth of 0 km or -1km (above the surface of the earth). In order for an earthquake to occur, two blocks of crust must slip past one another, and it is impossible for this to happen at or above the surface of the earth. So why do we report that the earthquake occurred at a depth of 0 km or event as a negative depth sometimes?

First of all, the depth of an earthquake is usually the most difficult part of its location to nail down with great accuracy. Since most earthquakes are deep within the crust, an error of +/- 1 or 2 km is irrelevant; in other words, it is a small error when the depth is something like 13 km. If the earthquake depth is relatively shallow, however, it becomes more of an issue. A negative depth can sometimes be an artifact of the poor resolution for a shallow event.

For quarry blasts that are recorded by the seismic network, the depth is fixed at 0 km since we can never determine a precise depth for these, but we know they are very close to the surface.







This has COMMS for me.  “Special”.  His voice sounding different and strange….




Chinese port rocked by massive explosion on container ship | Watch (msn.com)






SOO cool!











Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.