8.15.24 ~ Bizarro Thursday



And if unable to do the above, rest and eat cookies until you get back into your body/mind/heart/soul again.  


I notice a certain energy comes in on thursday’s.  I’ve been working diligently on shifting it away.  Still happens.  Same behavior pattern, and the same smell from the neighbor’s dryer (which has many different smells  when operated – usually not too bad – but the ones that emit on thursday’s are the. worst.)

This place is just strange.  Anyone know of someone with an unused cabin in the woods – woodstove, electricity and h20?  The need to run and hide for awhile is big.  Let me know.  P L E A S E.

And thank you!

For now I am grateful for beautiful weather, bike rides and picnics with my girl and access to local food.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




Shallow (13 km thereabouts) continue in southern cali




















Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “8.15.24 ~ Bizarro Thursday”

  1. Motherhood is not an afterthought for moi! And since my mother left this realm this past Spring, I will assure everybody who still has a mom alive who is breathing, when our mother’s leave–the vacuum is profound! <3, <3, <3

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